chapter 32 : Wedding night

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The wedding ended with everyone feeling emotional and happy, Rain and Phayu left saying their goodbye and thank you to their friends and family. Rain knew all the details about the wedding except where they gonna spend the honeymoon, phayu wanted to surprise him.

After the long ride, finally arrived rain couldn't wait anymore they entered the hotel room, hand in hand, they were greeted by a sight that took their breath away. The room was beautifully decorated with soft candlelight casting a warm glow across the space, petals scattered on the floor and a big heart on the bed, a bottle of champagne chilling on ice.

Rain looked around his eyes shining, his heart filled with love for the thought and effort Phayu had put into making their wedding night so special.

"P'Phayu, this is incredible," he exclaimed, turning to his husband with a loving smile. "You've truly outdone yourself, this room is amazing." The room has a beautiful night view on the city really breathtaking.

Phayu smiles softly, his eyes sparkling with happiness as he wrapped his arms around Rain.

"I wanted our first night as husbands to be perfect and special, And I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate our love than being here with you." he replied softly.

Rain moved closer to him locking eyes together, he wrapped his arms around phayu's neck closing the space between them. Phayu let him do whatever he wants as he felt rain's warm lips against his. their lips meeting in a sweet and loving embrace that spoke volumes of the love they shared.

Rain pulls back looking deep into phayu's eyes who has his arms tight around his husband tiny waist.

"I love you so much" rain whispers, phayu can see all the emotions in his eyes, his sincerity and love.

"I love you too baby boy, more than what you think" he replies softly holding him as tight as possible.

With gentle hands, Phayu began to undress Rain, tosing one cloth after another then leaving him completely naked standing there in front of him, his touch sending shivers of pleasure through rain's body, he took off his own clothes throwing them on the floor.

"Come with me baby" phayu said taking rain's hand.

Phayu guided Rain into the warm water of the bathtub, a sense of intimacy washed over them like a gentle wave. Rain sank into the soothing water, his muscles relaxing under Phayu's tender touch settling in the large bathtub filled with petals and beautiful scent of the shower gel. Phayu sat behind rain holding him closer they melted into each other's arms, their bodies pressed together.

Phayu's hands moved with gentle precision, tracing the contours of Rain's body with loving care to clean his baby. Each stroke sent shivers down Rain's spine, igniting a fire of desire that had been smoldering within him for far too long.

With each caress, each loving touch, Rain felt himself surrendering to the vulnerability of the moment. It had been too long since they had been together like this, too long since they had allowed themselves to be completely open and vulnerable with each other.

But in Phayu's arms, Rain felt safe, cherished, and loved. He let go of his inhibitions, allowing himself to bask in the warmth of his husband's affection and the passion that burned between them.

As Phayu continued to bathe him with gentle care, Rain felt the weight of the world lifting off his shoulders. In this moment, there was only them, their love and desire intertwining in a dance of intimacy and passion.

With each tender touch, Rain falling deeper and deeper in love with Phayu all over again. It was as if they were rediscovering each other, exploring every inch of his bodies with a newfound sense of wonder and reverence.

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