chapter 20 : Never gonna leave you

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Phayu holds rain's hands...

"Yes i found someone else" Phayu says frowning his eyebrows.

Rain went silent, the world went silent he feels as if he's in the middle of the space floating just him and his thoughts, he didn't realise tears started to flow on his cheeks. His mind went blank.

"Is that what you think I'm going to say huh stop thinking of the worse" phayu hits his head.

"Ouch P'Phayu that hurts" he rubs his head

"Yes so you can stop overthink"

"But you just said-"

"Rain what you saw in your dream will never going to happen baby i love you so much. you may be insecure about me based on my past but trust me I won't ever do something to hurt your feelings. Yesterday i was talking about business nothing more, we made a new partnership and she's really older than me baby can be my mom come on" Phayu said...

"But" rain tries to speak...

"Don't cut me, just listen then you can ask questions okay" he nodded...

"I will be responsible of her financials documents and last week i got to know in what sector she works. I also went through her documents and some contracts she signed. She is Mr Pakin's affiliate he introduced her to me, i told you about him right" rain nodded again...

"Yes, i have nothing to do with her except work baby. Please trust me i know maybe it's not easy, some people still pick on you about me but i won't ever be that guy they knew before. I'm totally a new person and they don't have access to this new version of me all they can do is to speculate" he added

"I know, but why is she the best" rain whispers pouting still not getting the point...

"I'm coming to that but i want you to understand first, you told me to fix my past so it won't come between us, i did with Tina and with everyone that i gave hopes, my future is with you by my side. Do you think I'm not jealous when you spend time with ple or other guys but i choose to trust you. Can you do the same" he said so sadly

"I do trust you" rain mumbles...

"Seems you don't have much trust, you can't even say it loud, what should i do to gain your full trust babe"

"I'm sorry P'phayu i really trust you i was just scared"

"Do you think I'm not scared seeing you with your friends maybe you can leave me for someone better who doesn't have a dirty past like me"

"No no never" rain shook his head grabbing phayu's arms.

"Really? But I saw you last time with I don't know who, you guys were going to the library he had his arm around your waist and Ple hanging on your arm, how do you think i felt that time" rain opens his mouth, he recalled that day they were just playing around on campus, it wasn't something serious...

"They're just my friends P'Phayu" he pouted again

"Exactly, i know they're just your friends, you told me to trust you with Ple and i never said something about it again, even if I'm possessive, i have no romantic relationship with anyone but you, even if tomorrow you hear me say i love you to someone you should know it's not romantic and perhaps just ask me rain"

Rain has his head down not saying anything...

"When is your birthday?" He asks. Rain got confused.

"My birthday i don't know, what day it is again" then takes his phone to see the date...

"Wait, it's in a week" he says surprisingly looking at his phone..

"Last year we didn't celebrate it properly, I'm preparing a surprise for you with the same person you heard me saying she's the best because she really is in organising events and party. I'm sorry if i was being suspicious but you need to trust me rain" phayu added.

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