chapter 27: Talking about the future

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The evening after their beautiful proposal, Rain and Phayu found themselves lost in a bubble of love, their hearts entwined in a sweet embrace under the moonlit sky. Moments melted into each other as they whispered promises to stay together forever.

Phayu immersed himself in the daily hustle of running his own company, his mind constantly buzzing with ideas and strategies. Balancing the demands of his business with his responsibilities as a major shareholder in Rain's parents' company was not easy, but Phayu thrived on the challenge.

Each morning, he woke up fueled by determination and ambition. As he managed into meetings and negotiations, Phayu's passion for entrepreneurship rises more, inspiring those around him to reach new heights.

Despite his hectic schedule, Phayu always made time for Rain, their love serving as a guiding light amidst the chaos. Whether stealing moments for a quick lunch date or sharing whispered words of encouragement over the phone, their bond remained unbreakable. While rain is focusing on finishing school.

One evening, as Phayu sat in his office poring over financial reports, Rain surprised him with a visit, he was spending so much time at the office coming home late. he entered with a his beautiful smile, his presence instantly lifting phayu's attention.

"Hey baby boy" Phayu greeted, setting aside his work to embrace him.

Rain nestled into his arms, his warmth enveloping him like a comforting embrace.

"I thought you should be so stressed here by yourself so i came" he said softly, pressing a tender kiss to his lips.

Phayu sighed, feeling the weight of the day melt away. "You always know just what I need," he murmured, his heart swelling with love.

They spent the evening together rain helping him with some documents, enjoying each other's company and savoring the simple joys of being together. As they talked and laughed, Phayu felt a sense of peace settle over him as they work efficiently together with joy.

Weeks passed away, rain is now busy with his final project for his graduation, he works so hard every day by the end of the week everything is done. He is now ready to graduate, now he makes sure to work with phayu and be present for him.

Despite their busy schedules, Phayu and Rain made it a priority to attend important events together, their support for each other serving as a beacon of strength. Whether it was a company gala or a family gathering, they stood side by side, facing the world as a united front.

One particularly busy week, Rain's parents hosted a lavish dinner party to celebrate the success of their company. Phayu and Rain had to travel in london for 2 days attending the event and hurry back to Thailand. They arrived arm in arm, their presence commanding attention as they mingled with the guests.

"Phayu, my son, so good to see both of you," Rain's father greeted warmly, clasping Phayu's hand in a firm handshake and hug.

"You've been instrumental in our company's growth. We're lucky to have you on board." He added

Phayu smiled gratefully, his heart swelling with pride.

"Thank you. It's been a pleasure working with you and everyone. I believe we have a bright future ahead of us." Phayu said.

Rain's mom joined them, talking and laughing all together.

As the evening going on, Phayu and Rain found themselves drawn into lively conversations with the other important guests. Despite the pressure of their respective roles, they reveled in the chance to unwind and connect with others outside of work too.

At one point during the evening, Rain caught Phayu's eye from across the room, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Without a word, he slipped his hand into his, leading him onto the dance floor.

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