chapter 31 : It's for life

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Three month later since their journey into surrogacy began, today they received two momentous pieces of news that filled their hearts with joy and excitement.

First, the doctor called to say it's confirmed that their surrogate mothers, both are pregnant. The news came like a beacon of hope, illuminating their path towards parenthood with warmth.

Rain couldn't contain his excitement as he hugs phayu who is as happy as him and tears of joy flow through rain's eyes, their hearts overflowing with gratitude for the incredible gift their surrogate mothers were giving them.

"They're pregnant! Can you believe it?" Rain exclaimed,

Phayu's eyes filled with excitement as he holds Rain into his arms. "I still can't believe it," he replied, his voice tinged with emotion. "This is really happening, isn't it?"

Rain nodded, his heart swelling with happiness as he looked into Phayu's eyes. "Yes, it's really happening," he said, his voice filled with certainty. "And we're going to be fathers."

With smiles that stretched from ear to ear, they shared a moment of pure joy, their hearts connected by the miracle of new life growing within their surrogate mothers.

But the excitement didn't end there. Along with the news of their surrogate mothers' pregnancies, Rain and Phayu received confirmation that their wedding ceremony was now ready to proceed. The final details had been arranged, the venue was set, and everything was in place for their special day.

"We're getting married in two week! Everything seems to work in our way" Phayu said smiling down at his baby.

Rain grinned, his heart swelling with love as he looked at Phayu. "I can't believe it, all this... it's just the best news...But I couldn't be happier. This is going to be the best day of our life" he replied, his voice tinged with emotion.

"It will be my love" phayu said pecking his lips.

The next week Rain and Phayu began to make final preparations for their wedding ceremony. They selected their outfits with care, ensuring that every detail was perfect for their special day. They finalized the guest list, sending out invitations to their friends and family members who would share in their joyous celebration.


As the evening sun cast a warm glow through the windows, Rain and Phayu found themselves nestled together on the bed, wrapped in each other's arms. The anticipation of their upcoming wedding hung in the air, adding an extra layer of excitement to the moment.

Phayu leaned in, his lips brushing against Rain's neck as he planted soft kisses along his jawline. "You know," he murmured between kisses, "we could make our own fireworks right now."

Rain chuckled, his body tingling with pleasure at Phayu's touch. "As tempting as that sounds," he replied with a playful grin, "I think we should save the fireworks for after the wedding."

Phayu pulls back, his lips forming a playful pout as he looked up at Rain.

"But why wait when we can have so much fun right now?" he teased, his eyes dancing with mischief.

Rain laughed, his heart swelling with love for the playful man beside him. "Because," he said, reaching out to cup Phayu's cheek, "I told you we should save our hunger for our wedding night. Let's make it worth the wait."

Phayu sighed dramatically rain literally refused to have sex with him the past two weeks, his lips forming an exaggerated frown.

"Fine," he said with a playful roll of his eyes. "But just know that I'll be counting down the minutes until I can have you all to myself, you won't be able to sit for days."

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