Chapter 8: Can't be apart

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The relationship between phayu and rain keep growing, their love keep getting stronger although some of their friends think it's just a phase but both of them know how they feel and how far they want their relationship to go.

Phayu is a total new person even his parents want to meet that boy who completely changed the playboy into someone serious and studious. Phayu is even now interested to learn more about the company, he wants to start going to work with his dad so he can know what to do once he graduates.

On the other hand rain the shy boy is more open to people, he talk more and express himself more. He was so shy that his mom was worried to dend him back in Thailand alone, hiw could he survive living like that. But when she talks with him, she feels the change, the glow and sparkles.

They are going to have their first exams of the semester next week. So this week both are very focused on studying, they study together sometimes, but they choose to not meet because everytime they're together they end up doing other things than studying.

This week was very difficult for both, they're missing eachother but they know it's for their own good. The exams willa start tomorrow, rain was laying on his bed thinking about what kind of question they'll ask etc... and also missing phayu. He misses him so much that his mood his affected, he's grumpy all he does is eat, study and sleep.

Rain rolls over to grab his phone ringing at first he thought it's phayu he was happy to talk to him, they don't even talk much these days but unfortunately it's his mom video calling him...

"Hello mom" rain said with a sad voice...

"Why is my baby sad, are you stressing about your exams"

"No mom, I studied everything already I'm ready i know I'll do well"

"So what's going on baby huh, do you need something"

"No i don't need anything, i just miss-, don't worry mom I'm fine"

"Uhoh so you miss your boyfriend that you're not even happy to talk with me I'm hurt he took over your heart, I'm no longer the special person in your heart"

"I didn't say that mom, I'm happy to talk with you, no one will replace you in my heart, i miss him so much mom, we just meet at school briefly last week"

Rain is very open about his relationship with phayu, his mom knows everything, except their unholy things of course, but he really talks a lot about phayu to his mom that she wants to meet him in person.

"Just one week baby, you'll be together okay, focus first on your exams"

"Okay mom"

"Let's do this, what if after you guys finish your exam you come here in London, I'll send your flight tickets, before you say something i just want to meet him but you'll enjoy your vacation together, i can rent an appart for both of you"

"Really mom!!!"

"Yes, you can show him around where you grew up and get to know each other more"

"I'll ask P'Phayu first then I'll tell you"

"Okay baby don't be sad anymore good luck for your exams you'll do great i love you"

"Thank you mommy i love you too"

Rain mood has changed he hopes phayu will accept to go on vacation with him. He's also a bit nervous although his mom and dad have heard a lot about phayu even saw his picture what if they don't like him. Rain just brush off the negative thoughts he sent phayu a goodnight text then slept.

The next day he woke up super early, he gets ready, sky was also waiting already downstairs, they drove off to school...

"Good morning P'phayu" he said jumping on his arms as soon he saw him. Phayu pecks his lips...

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