Chapter 34: Complete family (The End)

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As the months was passing, Phayu and Rain's journey to be parent for the first time was marked by a profound dedication, not just to each other but also to the well being of their surrogate mothers. The importance they placed on diet, healthcare, and the overall prenatal experience underscored their deep seated commitment to the lives growing inside them.

When the sixth month of pregnancy dawned, the couple decided to reveal the genders of their upcoming children through a small, intimate gathering of close friends and family. The reveal was short but magical, with joyful cheers echoing as they announced the forthcoming arrival of a girl and a boy into the family.

The small celebration was emotional and full of love for everyone with tears of happiness. They received a lots of support from both families and friends not to mention the tons of gifts.

Rain has stopped working as promised to take care of everything related to the babies. He decided to put all his energies into preparing their babies room. Each selection, from the cribs to the soft pastel linens was chosen with an eye for comfort and safety, reflecting his deep desire to provide a warm, welcoming space for the new members of their family.

Rain's dedication to that was absolute, involving himself in every details, from the color palette of the room, elements that would adorn the walls, light, toys, teddy bear and of course buying baby's clothes.

One day, Phayu returned home from work earlier, the house was unusually quiet missing Rain's usual welcome kiss. Concern flashed at the edges of his mind as he called out, receiving no response.

The silence led him upstairs, where he found the door of the babies room half opened. He peeked inside, Phayu's heart leapt into his throat at the sight that greeted him. Rain was perched at the top of a ladder, reaching out to hang some decorations above where one of the cribs would sit. The moment was fraught with danger, the ladder lost stability as Rain stretched further his arm.

"Rain!" Phayu's voice was a mix of fear and panic as he rushed forward, his arms outstretched to catch Rain who seems to try balancing his body not to fall.

The urgency in Phayu's voice caused Rain to startle losing his balance. The moment seemed to pass in a flash before Rain managed to steady himself phayu catched him.

Phayu's relief was palpable, but it quickly gave way to concern and a touch of anger as he puts him down.

"What the fuck are you doing? You could have fallen very bad. You could have hurt yourself rain" he scolded, his voice firm but with worried.

Rain tried to offer a fake smile. "I just wanted to make everything perfect. I thought I could do it."

Phayu took Rain's hands into his own, the earlier fear still resonating in his touch.

"I know my love, I know. But we can't risk you getting hurt. These babies need both their dads healthy and strong," he said, his voice softening as he spoke his heart still racing from the scare

"We should hire someone experienced for such tasks. You can still supervise the work, ensure everything is the way you like it, but please, no more risking your safety," Phayu implored, his gaze locking with Rain's in the silent room.

Rain nodded, the gravity of Phayu's words sinking in his head. He didn't pay attention to the risk he was in.

"You're right. I just got carried away with wanting to make everything perfect. I promise to be more careful, I'm sorry" he said softly.

"It's okay baby, leave everything and come with me, let's prepare dinner for tonight"

They agreed on hiring a professional to handle the more hard aspects of the room's preparation with Rain guiding the aesthetic making the perfect baby room.

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