chapter 13 : My sexy boyfriend

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After talking with phayu last night the reassurance and love he got, rain feels like the heavy pressure he was carrying on his back is gone. He no longer care about anything or anyone but phayu, his world and his life is now with this incredible man.

Taking the decision to move abroad was the best for him, he wants to live his life to the fullest not being scared anymore that someone will walk on him or look down on him.

He woke up today all happy and smiling, this morning again he prepared breakfast for them, he went back to the bedroom jumping on phayu to wake him up with kisses all over his face...

"Good morning handsome, time to wake up" rain said smiling...

"Good morning baby, so energetic this morning, did you sleep well?" Phayu said wrapping his arms around his waist with his hand on rain's ass squeezing it...

"Yes, like a baby... Get up let's bath, eat and get ready we will go out" rain said all excited.

"Uhmm what are you planning for today naughty boy" he raises an eyebrow

"I want to show you my favourite place and we will visit the city maybe going to the london eye we can see the all city up there and it's beautiful at night, now come let's bath together i already made breakfast" rain wanting to stand phayu holds him tight...

"If we bath together it might take longer, what if I can't resist to touch you" phayu tease squeezing him, rain slap his chest...

"Stop it, this is not a time" rain remove himself dragging phayu with him in the bathroom...

They get ready pretty fast and ate, rain called his mom to send a driver he doesn't have his license here so both can't drive...

In the car looking outside rain can't stop talking from explaining all the beautiful places phayu is pointing to showing and telling him stories hiw he used to live there, phayu can feel how free and relax rain is now, he loves it all he can do is to smile and continue exploring the city.

The arrived at the museum, phayu looks around it's big and beautiful, he is excited to see what's inside. Coming down rain said to the driver he can come back in 2 or 3hours instead of waiting there he can go.

"Is this your favourite place?" Phayu asks...

"Yes, when i wanted to escape the world i came here the atmosphere, and those arts it's just mind blowing. I forgot all my problems being here, sometimes in high school i will just come here sit the whole day behind a huge moment and read peacefully it's not crowded during week days" he said his eyes shining explaining how he loves this place.

Phayu can feel the passion he has...

"I didn't know you're an art person why did you choose business studies instead of arts"

"Because I'm the only son, i wanted to be useful for my family's business and work with my dad"

"Are you doing this for you or for society acceptance and your dad?"

"Oh i really love what I'm doing don't get me wrong, i may be passionate with arts but it's not something i would do for long term"

"That's great, let's go inside I'm being impatient now" rain chuckled, taking phayu hand then headed inside.

They spend more than two hours going around, taking pictures and videos. Phayu now understand why rain love this place it's really beautiful and peaceful. There's a touch of every culture, his eyes can't stop looking around, if he can he would spend the whole day in there.

"You really like it right" rain asks

"Of course i do, it's really beautiful baby thank you for bringing me here" phayu pecks his lips

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