Chapter 1: Let's Start

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Ring Ring Ring...

"So early to wake up" rain grins covering himself with a blanket.

Today is the first day at university, he needs to get ready before sky come and kick him out of the bed. Rain gets ready quickly just when he was putting his shoes he heard a knock on the door.

"Thank goodness you're ready i was going to leave you, come down quickly the line for registration will be so long i don't want to be late move your ass" sky said

"Ehh I'm almost done give me a minute"

"Take all your documents don't forget anything"

"Yeah yeah i have everything let's go"

Both drive to the campus, they arrived and find a place to park the car, then went straight to the registration office, filled the form, get their student ID, it took them almost 3 hours to do all the administrative procedures and they get their timetable all is done.

"Oh god I'm so tired and it's just the first day, i haven't eat breakfast yet it's already noon let's eat something before i die" rain complains.

"Tskk such a baby let's go feed your tummy baby" sky tease

They looked around and finally found the cafeteria, ordered something to eat while waiting they met new friends, Sig and Por they're super adorable so they become friends.

They were eating their food talking and getting to know each others more, Sig and Por are very talkative and funny.

The first day was not bad, they didn't attend any class since it was just the registration day class starts tomorrow.

On the next day both sky and rain drive to campus attending their first classes of the semester, they met with their friends in front of the faculty then go to the class.

The first three weeks nothing really extra happened, rain was just going to class then home reading his manhwa, manga, all sort of spicy books.

He wasn't really mingling with everyone and doesn't know anything about the campus life, same as sky always studying at the library.

This Saturday, it's the welcome party Sig and Por force them to join, sky and rain are very reserved and don't really like to be around other people so going to the party with the whole faculty present seem a very bad idea.

"Please come with us we will have fun" Sig said

"Yes please don't leave us alone it's our first party you can't miss it" Por added

They don't want to disappoint their friends so they decide to go but no drinking alcohol.

Saturday comes they get ready to go "Are you ready" inside rain's room sky asked ...

"Yes, just fixing my makeup"

"Wow you look really pretty, everyone is going to hit on you tonight"

"Don't play around, I'm not, look at you how handsome you are, no one will like a nerd like me"

"You're a beautiful nerd, with all the dirtiest thing you read i hope you'll meet someone who will satisfy your fantasy"

"Stop it, let's go" rain grabs sky arms and go out.

At the party they sit at one table looking around everyone already getting drunk. Some senior offers them a drink but they politely declined saying they have health problems so they can't drink.

Sig and Por was the one drinking but not too much. They were talking and laughing, enjoying their time. Yes the party was very nice until now they're really liking being there, when suddenly the door opens two mans enters attracting all eyes on them...

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