chapter 30 : Together we can

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Back in the bustling city, Rain and Phayu resumed their roles as CEOs of their respective companies that merged, their vacation memories still fresh in their minds as they dove back into the world of business with renewed determination.

Their days were filled with meetings, strategy sessions, and endless emails, but amidst the hustle and bustle of their professional lives, they always made time for each other. Whether it was stealing moments together in the office or sharing romantic dinners at home, they remained as connected as ever, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

As they sat in their shared office, poring over spreadsheets and discussing marketing strategies, Rain couldn't help but steal glances at Phayu, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of his partner hard work.

"You know what P'" Rain began softly crossing the office to sit in front of his man, "I'm so grateful to have you by my side. I don't know where I'd be without you."

Phayu smiled, his eyes sparkling with love as he reached out to squeeze Rain's hand.

"And I feel the same you're my strength, We make a great team as long as we walk together hand in hand, you and I, nothing can stop us" he replied, his voice filled with warmth.

Their conversation was interrupted by the ringing of Rain's phone, signaling an incoming call from one of their clients. With a shared smile, they turned their attention back to their work, their minds focused and their hearts full as they tackled the challenges of running their company together.

Each passing day they become busy and busy, the weight of running a multinational company taking over sometimes burying themselves into work but despite the demands of their professional lives, they always made time for each other outside of work.

Whether it was going for walks in the park during break or lunchtime, cooking dinner together, or simply cuddling up on the couch with a movie, they cherished every moment they spent together, knowing that their love was the foundation of everything they had built.

One evening, as they sat on their balcony sipping wine and watching the city lights twinkle in the distance, Rain turned to Phayu with a thoughtful expression.

"P'Phayu" Rain called, his voice tinged.

"I can't stop thinking about what we talked" he added, phayu looks at him with confusion.

"We talked about a lot of things baby, what exactly?" He asks

"About kids" rain replies.

Phayu make him sit facing eachother, this is always a serious conversation because it will involve both of them and changing their life.

"Before, i want you to promise me something" phayu said holding his hands. Rain's heart clenched in surprise.

"What?" He asks nervously.

"Promise me, if we ever have kids you'll stop working hard, you can help but from far. I don't want you to take care of the kids and work at the same time it will be too tiring and stressful for you. I'll take care of everything" phayu said caressing his cheeks.

Rain's eyes filled with tears, this man is the most caring, how did he get this lucky to have him.

"Okay i promise thank you so much P'Phayu" he said in between his sobs.

"Don't cry baby, so what's on your mind tell me?" Phayu asks gently.

"I was thinking to have a surrogate mother to carry our child. They can inject her with our sperms, maybe take two women so we can get twins, one from your sperm and one from me what do you think?" Rain said all excited tilting his head.

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