chapter 11 : Road to the past

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Today the clingy couple feel much more better, they rested long enough to start a new day full of energy...

"Rain hurry up your mom already sent a driver he's outside waiting for us" phayu shouted from the living room.

Rain is the kind to take his time getting ready before going out, he likes to be cute, nice outfit with beautiful make up.

"I'm coming, one minute please"

"Oh my god you're not going to a party babe, come out now"

Rain quickly comes out taking his jacket and bag...

"I'm ready let's go" he said all smiling, he knows phayu doesn't like to be late.

"Geezz do you have to wear this, you're just going to your parent's house" rain was wearing a nice tight ripped jeans with boots and beautiful top exposing his shoulder

"Yes, i have to. Now let's go" rain grabs his arm.

The road to his house was silent from both side, for phayu it's understandable. He will be face to face with rain's dad for the first time although his mother already loves him. He knows they'll question him a lot and his intention with their only son.

They can't bring money to the talk because phayu come from a wealthy family too, they heard of CHAIKAMON GROUP, a powerful company based in Thailand they even wish for a partnership. Think of it now both sons are dating it's just a matters of time.

But why is rain feeling nervous to go back to his house, well a lot did happen. İt's quite a long story starting when rain was finally registered to school.

Rain tried his best to brush off all the bad memories, the more he tries the more he feels anxious and starts to have a panic attack. Phayu noticed how he starts to shake and out of breath...

"Baby calm down, hey look at me, breath in and out" phayu said holding his hands.

"Yeah just like that, think about me, breath slowly" phayu tries his best to calm him although he doesn't understand why rain is having anxiety.

He knew rain suffered from anxiety, sometimes he can't concentrate when working because he's so anxious, sometimes it's just a random panic attack from stress or while sleeping he'll wake up panting. He never asked questions, not to pressure him. İf rain wants to talk to him he'll do it but now he'll just be by his side.

"Come here baby, it's okay I'm here now"

Phayu pulls him closer to him for a hug, rain sniffing his beautiful scent. He doesn't know why but everytime he feels anxious or can't breathe he just need phayu's smell. İt's like a drogue to him and calms him so fast, he always keep one of phayu's cloth with him at home, or spray his perfume on a tissue then put it on his bag.

"Are you feeling better now" phayu asks worriedly. Rain just nodded, he's thinking maybe it will be time to say everything.

After about 30min of ride. They arrived, phayu can't believe his eyes, their house looks like a palace. His parents house are also big but he didn't imagine to see rain's house that big...

"Welcome home my sons" rain's dad said, Phayu bow at him saying hello

Rain directly hugs his dad and starts to cry...

"Why's my big baby boy crying huh" he said stroking his hair

"İ missed you so much, you don't call me often"

"Oh I'm sorry dad is so busy, but i sent you a lot of messages you don't answer me, now who's fault is this"

"Daddy stop sending me texts, you use weird emojis and doesn't know how to type, P'Phayu can you believe he sent me a text saying 'i miss you my son' with the smirk emoji and the monkey emoji hiding his eyes"

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