Chapter 33

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"Ese hijo de puta (that son of a bitch)" Leo cured to god knows what as he angrily stormed into the locker room.

His emotions were all over the place and now he had to force himself to calm down before Pep storms the locker room to give them a lecture. Following his insults to Benzema was half the team who had gotten involved in the fight, Geri happened to be one of the loudest but of course his main argument was about Sergio. There wasn't an argument that went between the two teams that didn't involve those two going at it.

"God they're infuriating" mumbled Geri as he happily sat on the other spot open next to Leo.

"What did he even say that made you upset Leo" Iniesta asked being the reasonable one out of all of them.

"None of anyone's concern he just doesn't know how to shut his mouth" the last thing he needed was the boys being in his business when he didn't even know what that was to begin with.

"Ok" Dan interrupted Luis as he looked Tia rogue with what Leo had said, but the last thing they needed was another argument.

"¿Qué diablos fue eso? (What the hell was that)" Pep asked as he stormed the room.

It was needless to say that there coach was never partial to them getting into fights on the pitch. He said it showed bad sportsmanship on their behalf or something like that, Leo couldn't recall as he just started into nothingness. Of course that would never stop the boys as they loved to banter with their opponents especially their rivals. That was just always the nature of the El Clásico and it would always remain that way. Once Pep got to wrapping everything up which in itself took more than an hour they were quickly let off to shower despite that this would all be repeated next training.

Leo quickly got to showering and getting ready to make an exit already dreading the news reporters which he quickly planned to dodge. When he finally finished up he was met with a smiling Neymar.

"What's got you all smiley" at the end he was the one that scored the last minute goal not Ney so why was he so happy.

"Nothing just happy" Leo even got hint of a certain Brazilian beat playing through his mini speaker.


"Just wanted to let you know that you have a little surprise outside and by that I mean your lover girl" like a little kid hiding a secret Neymar had told him, giggling and all.

"How did you know that" Leo was quite shocked by his words but definitely not surprised that he knew, the Brazilian happens to know everything about everyone.

"A certain birdie told me, but I would go before she finds a better looking guy out there, between you and me I heard there's football stars that surround her" he once again poked fun at Leo as the last part was obviously a joke or at least to some degree.

"Adiós payaso (Bye clown)" shoving him so he's off balance Leo made his exit and was welcomed by the fresh breeze and a stunning Marisol who had a beaming smile on her face.

"Ahí está mi goleador (there's my goal scorer)" with open arms she embraces him into a warm hug, her arms around his neck and his around her waist.

"Here I am" he smiled being held in embrace as he scanned her face for all the beautiful features he loved.

"Do I not get a kiss?" one eye brow was raised on his face to show her this as a rhetorical question.

"A kiss for what?" she teased back with a playful grin.

"Winning the game, being player of the match, scoring a last minute goal. I mean I can go on and on" his arms tightened around her waist and pulled her impossibly closer.

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