Chapter 16

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Marisol's Private Instagram

Marisol's Private Instagram

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@thing2: drunk chronicles

@neybae11 (Neymar): now what is this🤨
@thing1 (Carlos): I thought your were going straight home??
@milkboy (Lando): @thatbrit
@thatbrit (George): I made this happen😜
@iheart.redcards (Ramos): al menos no es el gnomo de jardín🙂 (At least it's not the garden gnome)


"Is that Marisol" screeched Geri who had been observing Leo the whole time to make sure he didn't smash the phone.

"Nooo" Neymar tried to deny but he was never one to get away with lying.

"WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE" Leo yelled as he remembered that exact outfit and vividly remembered the part where he told her not to wear nor buy it.

"First of all why are you yelling and second of all why are you so mad she looks great" oblivious to the glare Leo sent his way Rafinha admired the girl.

"Im yelling because I'm mad. She won't talk to me at all but will give all her attention to this random guy...AND WOULD YOU STOP STARING AT HER" snatching the phone away from Rafinha, Leo locked it and gave it back to Neymar.

"I mean she probably just wanted to have fun and grabbed the first guy she seen" it was then did Neymar realize that he was the only who could identify the guy in the video and he didn't plan on letting them in on it for awhile.

"Yeah" agreeing with Geri seemed to be the solution to deescalating the whole situation so Luis did that.

"I'm not so sure on that one" Dani brought up after it seemed that the atmosphere had dialed down. At this Neymar had shot him a glare after receiving the notification as well, but he had been smart enough to stay quiet.

"What do you mean?" Leo's once downcast head had pumped up at hearing this. Realizing his mistake Dani tried to change the conversation.

"Nothing...hey how about a round of FIFA" grabbing the controller he offered it to anyone to please take it but instead Leo just took a dangerous step closer to him.

"What's on your phone" almost twitching, Leo pointed to his phone which he had immediately locked and thrown to the couch.

"Nothing it was just my mom you know how she gets" he tried to laugh it off but not once did Leo deflect his crazy eyes at someone else.

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