Chapter 23

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"I've been looking all over for you guys. Did you finally calm down?" if they weren't going to be civil in this discussion then she already planned to leave.

"Yes" Neymar said uneasily as Leo needed maybe a few more breathers.

"Are you ready to talk?" Marisol asked this time looking directly at Leo.

"...yes" he thought about it but ultimately decided that he was fine now.

"Neymar can you give us a moment" they both trusted Neymar with their life but some things are better off just between two instead of three.

"But-but" the Brazilian went to complain but got a death stare from other man and shut that down immediately.

"Okay I'll keep a look out" pouting like a little kid he stood by the see through door and kept guard as if the room wasn't all glass.

"Okay what was that whole issue about" it was unusual and she was sure by now someone must have told her brother something about it.

"Nothing it's just...why did you never tell me you were friends with him" the whole making friends thing was never his forte but it was Marisol's and sometimes it was hard watching her be too trusting towards strangers.

"I didn't think it was necessary besides you've never acted like that when I introduced you to some of my other friends" several times she had introduced him to complete strangers and he had always been nice and polite.

"Well those are you acting friends or just normal people, he's in my work field. Not only is he the most famous person in his career but also one of the more successful sportsman" it was intimidating was what he was trying to say. To have someone as successful as him basically compete for her friendship.

"So that has nothing to do with it" what did Lewis's job have anything to do with Leo's actions?

"It has everything to do with it" could she really not see how the whole world would switch the story and make it seem as more then a friendship. That's exact what they did to them even when Leo stated multiple times he was with Antonella.

"Why?" was Leo really that concerned with the media that he would let it influence his actions.

"Because he's on my level" he embarrassingly admitted with a wounded ego.

"What that's ridiculous" did he really turn this into an ego competition.

"No it's really not. It's different with Neymar and them because I know them personally, but Lewis there's zero loyalty" there would be an actual competition between them and Leo wasn't sure he wanted to share Marisol with anyone.

"Are you jealous of him?" the thought seemed ridiculous to her but judging by Leo's fallen facial expression she wasn't that off target.

"Not jealous just ready for the challenge" it was only a matter of time before it was a fight for something more because he knew that look in Lewis's eyes when he stared at her, he recognized them in himself more than a couple of times.

"Challenge of what? My friendship. That's ridiculous." it really did seem more like an ego issue to her.

"It's not when your, you. You're the kind of person that just makes life brighter and easier and everyone wants you around, always. It's already hard enough to get time with you with both are jobs and me fucking up all the time, but to add someone else in the mix is worrying." he was trying to be honest even if it was embarrassing to admit as they agreed on loyalty between the two.

"Oh Leo" wrapping him in a hug she was touched by him being open with her.

"You know I just don't want to lose you again" his arms tightened around her waist and even when she went to let go he didn't.

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