Chapter 28

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After a hectic weekend it was time to get back to their everyday lives...well as far as a celebrities everyday life could get. Marisol had wished a farewell to her twin who was off to another track along with that her father returned to Madrid the night of the race so there wasn't much keeping her company anymore, well besides the boys and that's because they lived here.

So needless to say when it came down to the goodbyes to the grid it was a little unique. Leo and the rest of the Barca guest were quick to follow in her steps with bidding farewell but made it quite obvious she wasn't allowed to hug Lewis goodbye as she had so with some of the other drivers. George in particular made a funny face at seeing the effort the Barca boys put into Marisol not interacting with Lewis. When she reached into hug him was George's final straw as he let out a ridiculous laugh at seeing Neymar intervine and put himself between the two making it a group hug.

So now here she sat on her couch watching some animated cartoons to keep her entertained that was until there was a knock on her door alerting Luna who was eager to beat her to the knocking sound. Checking her cameras she realized it was Leo which was weird as this was their usual practice time.

"Leo what are you doing here" is the first thing she asked him when opening the door.

"What happened to "come on in" or "how was your day", I mean manners Marisol" the man said as he stepped foot into the entry way.

"You know what I meant by that, usually you're at practice at this hour so what's up?" it was quite unusual for the man to miss practice as he often went even when advice not to by his physician and medical team.

"Well I felt slightly sick in the morning so I thought why not be taken care of by my favorite girl since my mothers not here to do so" Leo once noticing the blanket on the couch took no further objection and bundled himself in it and made himself at home.

"So you thought to yourself "hey let's get Marisol sick while I'm at it" like who cares if this illness is contagious" she joked as she could clearly see he wasn't in critical conditions which would require immediate attention.

"Well yeah I thought if it's serious might as well be stuck with my favorite person" his smile that he gave her was reciprocated but with an everlasting blush stuck on her cheeks.

"You say that so I can baby you instead of your mother" everyone knew Leo was a mamas boy he just hated to admit it.

"Bingo" patting the spot next to him he invited Marisol to join him.

"You know that was my blanket" she gradually announced as she took the seat next to him.

"We can share don't be a snob" being the gentleman he was, he quickly threw the blanket over them both.

For a minute it was slightly peaceful and Marisol could catch herself drifting in and out of a nap, but was startled awake just as her head made contact with Leo's shoulder because of his stomach grumbling. Looking up she could see the Argentine looking slightly embarrassed at the notice his body gave him.

"Would you like some soup" soup always made her feel better when sick.

"Yes please" unfortunately having to leave the warmth she threw the blanket off her and marched to the kitchen.

"Tomato or chicken noodle soup, I don't have the ingredients for the veggie one" that and she really didn't want a boat load of vegetables right now as she knew he would pick it if possible.

"Chicken noodle, some protein would do me well" maybe even boost his energy as he was quite lazy right now.

"Ok" quickly tossing up the easy recipe her mother had shown her she got to work on her side dish, her famous grilled cheese.

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