Chapter 6

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"You look beautiful" Leo complimented the women as she gave him a twirl of her outfit.

"You said that about the last three" whining she looked in the mirror for any imperfections or reasons as to why she should not buy the dress.

"Well I can't help it you truly make everything look 10 times better" his smile seemed endless when he was with Marisol despite doing his least favorite thing in the world.

"Thank you Leo but this is serious" her stack of close that she appeared to be buying looked endless.

"It's clothes and you have an endless supply of money. I don't see what's so serious just buy whatever makes you happy" hell if she didn't buy it for herself he would.

"It's so serious because I don't want to waste money I don't have to, plus buy clothes that I won't actually wear" it would be a waste over all and that was one thing Marisol hated.

"Fine. Take the three dresses and shoes, but leave the shirts" half of these so called shirts didn't even cover half of her or were to transparent for his liking.

"Are you crazy these shirts looked fabulous on me. Granted some are transparent but showing a little skin never hurt anybody" looking back at the five shirts in question Marisol came up with a decision to buy three of the shirt.

"Which two should I leave" turning to Leo for fashion advice was not her strongest decision but was her only choice.

"The pink and orange one" while they did look beautiful on her he didn't think it was appropriate for her to show that much skin to strangers.

"Those are the hottest ones" she murmured almost disappointed in his choices.

"Exactly no one should be allowed to see that much of you" call him greedy but he was happy to be the only one to have seen her in this type of clothing.

"Fine but just cause of that we're going to the jewelry store next" since she got new apparel it was only fair she got new accessory's to match.

"Please no"

They had been at the stores for hours. After meeting with her sales associate at Versace and her buying a little less than half the store, Marisol decided to hit every boutique around it as well. Needless to say Leo was tired of being dragged around and used as a bell boy to hold all her shopping bags. Unfortunately he would always fall for her puppy looks and her pleading of "just one more store". His arms were numbed from the endless bags in hand and that's they left some in her car and asked to ship the other remaining stuff bought to her house. He just wanted a snack to power through to dinner as well.

"If we just take this final walk to Cartier and Bvlgari I'll get you a snack and a drink" bribing him was easier then she thought as she stopped by a random cafe and got them little pastries to share and lattes; his of course hot and her's iced.

"Try this" like a little kid waiting for his mother's approval he stood wide eye after shoving a piece of macaroon to her mouth.

"That's good is there anymore" she watched as he searched through the bag before pulling one out and feeding it to her.

"Thank you" surprised by his actions she stood still for a moment before catching up.


After a few minutes of browsing it was clear that Marisol didn't know what she wanted. So Leo being the amazing guy he is picked for her, it wasn't until she stood staring at a certain display that she was really focused. Walking up besides her he stood still looking at two matching bracelets. One silver and one gold.

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