Chapter 9

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Marisol was just minding her business in her seat and ignoring all the stares she got. It was quite uncomfortable at first dealing with all the attention but she then got use to it. Shakira who sat to her left was laughing at the girls demise.

"Stop it" Marisol commanded, lightly slapping the girls thigh to get her to stop.

"Oh come on you knew this would happen" what else did she expect the world was obsessed with her love life and trying to link her with one of the Barca boys.

"I know but you as my friend have to help make this feel a bit better plus you were the one who wanted me to sit next to you" untying her hair from the makeshift ponytail she had put it into, she hoped to cover the back of her jersey as much as possible.

"Yeah cause it's fun seeing all the boys faces at realizing whose number you have on your back" right away she could tell you that her Spaniard friend made a certain Brazilian really happy as he held a bright smile on his face all the way till now.

"Yeah well Leo looks like he wants to kill me" as horrible as it sounds she was quite pleased that seeing her in someone else's number had an effect on him.

"Well he needs to grow up and decide what he really wants" not even a few feet away sat Antonella with Luis's wife and despite receiving a warm welcoming from both, Shak was never the biggest fan of the Argentinian.

"You know Antonella could probably hear you" looking at the women sat a few seats down she seemed to be in her own world playing on her phone.

"I don't care" Shakira said simply giving her back to the others to prove her point.

"I love you but please shhhh" that last thing she needed was an upset Antonella complaining to Leo about her.

They sat talking for the remainder of the time, making small jokes here and there about the other team. Everything seemed to be all fine despite the stares the two would get that was until one of the training balls was rolled there way. Looking up Marisol made eye contact with Leo and quickly kicked the ball back to him not wanting to argue. Unfortunately this didn't stop the man from kicking the ball back her way and staring her down till he reached where she sat.

"Hey Leo" Shakira tried to help by distracting the player sensing the tension between the two and obviously right now was not the time nor the place to discuss this.

"Hi" he said quickly before turning his attention to the brunette.

"So your just not going to say anything" the words were harsh as they came out his mouth.

"Neymar had an extra ball thrown at him so you can get going" his little trip over there was pointless as they had ball boys to do that job.

"Really" an amused chuckle slipped between his mouth and it looked like he was going to walk away until he decided against it.

"You know what it's one thing to be mad at me but it's another to completely ignore me" it hurt him truly that one his best friends would completely shut him out.

"So your just not going to answer" scoffed Leo after a moment.

"Not only that but you show up to the first game of the season in Rafinha's jersey after everything that happened. What are you trying to play with my mind before the game to mess me up?" continuing his assault he just left his thoughts spew.

"Did you talk with Antonella?" firing back at him she couldn't help but ask him the question that stayed on her mind since that night effectively shutting him up.

"This is not about that" he pointed at them two trying to stay on track of what he wanted answered.

"But it is. You want to know all about my life and control what I do or what I wear, but you can't even hold up your end of our friendship" his words touched a deep nerve as she also let him have it.

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