Chapter 21

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"I'll pick you up" was the text she received from her father early in the morning.

It was the week of her home Grand Prix and that's meant all her family was in town. Carlos had also offered to pick her up but denied not wanting to wake up that early to be at the track as it was hot. Even right now she had on a McLaren shirt to show support along with some dressy shorts and sneakers. Originally Leo was suppose to pick her up but she denied it after imagining her brother's fury. It was his home race she at least had to try her best to make him happy and if that involved not being as close to Leo as usual then she would do it for the next 72 hours.

It was rather difficult when Leo had been more persistent than usual to hangout. Just last week he tried to drag her to an away game but she denied as she didn't want to go. Since she didn't go he made sure to capture every moment for her through text, phone calls, and pictures. Marisol was serious when she said he had to earn back there friendship but even now it seemed he was doing too much. Neymar had picked up on it as well and said maybe he was finally realizing what was in front of him, but she denied it. What was meant to be, would be and that's all she told him after that.

"Mi hermosa princesa (my beautiful princess)" her father had praised her as she walked to the car, which like a gentleman he held the door open for her as they were running a bit behind due the traffic around the city thanks to the race.

"Hola papá (hi dad)" greeting him with a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug he made quick work of shutting her door and making his way around to the drivers seat.

"And mom?" usually both her parents would attend the qualifying session but it seems her mother was not up for it this time.

"Eh she's playing grandmother to your nieces and nephews while your siblings have a nice evening" her mother was one of the sweetest persons you would ever meet so it made since she would stay home to watch all her grandchildren so her children could enjoy a day out with their spouses.

"Aww so it's just you and I" a father and daughter day, her favorite especially when they would team up to make fun of Carlos.

"It's seems so, but I'll probably be gone most the night, you know mingling" Carlos Sr. was a friend to all, so if he wasn't playing coach to her brother while he was home, he would be chatting away with former friends and so on.

"That's alright I have my own friends there" her father gave her a teasing look as she looked away enjoying the scenery.

"Is Lionel one of them" as a father he always knew when his kids were in love, so the second she brought him to one of the family's party and saw the look in her eyes, he knew his daughter was down for. Even if it hurt to see his daughter growing up he knew it was apart of life.

"Yes but he'll be an enemy territory" it was race mode so that meant no fraternizing with the enemy.

"Sure" the tone behind his comment was clearly sarcastic and instead of arguing against what he probably thought she chose to stay quiet.

When they finally did arrive to the track her father hasn't even stepped a foot in before finding one of his old friends and completely ditching her. He claimed that he would see her at Carlos's moter home, but that would probably  be before the qualifying started and that's wasn't till much later.

Now it was time for her to find the other terrible four that were somewhere around there.


"Evening" she would greet random workers that would stop to say hi or smile at her.

She had been walking for the past 10 minutes searching for one of her friends but surprisingly came up short handed. Not even her racing friends were seen which was quite suspicious but she made due with what she had and it wasn't until she got near the Mercedes cafeteria area did she spot a certain Brit.

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