Chpater 19

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"Marisol over here" cameras flashed as she made her way out the car. Dressed in head to toe D&G, she looked hot.

"Beautiful" someone said as a crowd swarmed her from behind the ropes. The designer had sent her a black mini dress covered in beautiful gold and red gems, but at the center was a gorgeous red heart.

"Marisol to your right please" giving multiple angles she tried her best to please them all before being forced to move along the carpet.

"You know where you're sitting correct?" one of the several assistants of the night asked.

"Uhm to the left row and 10 seats down" from what she recalled it was going to be a regular runway in a museum.

"Yes thank you" moving on the assistant went to help the next person.

She tried to walk through the small crowds forming as colleagues and friends talked and swarmed one another. Thankfully she didn't have a train of a dress as that would make for an awkward moment. Along the way she did stop and say hi to people, but made it as quick as possible. Unfortunately she did make some rather ungraceful accidents.

"Sorry" she apologized after having bumped into someone from the back.

"Your fine" an ever beaming smile was shot her way.

"Oh wow your Henry Cavill" the man was even more beautiful in person.

"I am" he chuckled but not the cocky type but the shy one.

"I'm Marisol Sainz, huge fan of your films" her inner fangirl came out as his blue eyes hypnotized her.

"I know who you are. My niece won't stop singing the whole Moana soundtrack thanks to you" also how could he not recognize what the world considered to be the actor of the year.

"Uhm well glad to hear that" laughing she also got one out of him.

"Excuse me" someone once again bumped into the male actor.

"Leo" Marisol said in surprise as the man said he was going to show up late.

"Sol I was looking all over for you" that was a lie he spotted her when he first walked in but did not like her company.

"Well here I am" looking him up and down she couldn't ignore his outfit.

"We're matching" she pointed out.

"I know" his suit was all black but the key detail was the heart brooch pin that matched hers along with his tie that held the pattern of her jewels.

"You look great. I don't think I've mentioned it yet" Henry making himself known again said breaking up the pairs intense atmosphere.

"Thank you not to shabby yourself" opposite of Leo, he stood in an all white suit with a black under shirt which remained half done up with some buttons opened.

"I think we should be taking our seats now" Leo didn't let the moment settle before trying to drag her away.

"Wait. It was nice meeting you, hopefully soon will do a project together" smiling at the man she got one in return.

"Yeah it was also nice meeting you" with one last cheesy smile, Marisol was ripped away.

"Let's go" Leo said urgently.

"Going" rolling her eyes at her friend's attitude she unwillingly followed.

The night after that was rather enjoyable for her but the same couldn't be said for Leo who looked bored out of his mind. The only thing keeping him going was the small talk he would make with her throughout the show. It was often comments on how some clothes looked. When the show finally did come to an end they snapped some photos with the designer and some with other guest before making an early leave.

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