Chapter 31

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The gossip had been good when Neymar had got a late night phone call from Marisol. All he heard at the beginning was her straight screaming into the phone and soon joined in for no reason at all besides for the fun of it. After one had stopped the other had as well as they came to a defeating silence.

"Okay so what were we screaming about" Neymar had asked finally.

"You would not believe what happened this night" Marisol was on a happy high and nothing could bring her down.

"Don't tell me you lost Luna again" he had already got up to put his slippers on to go over there to help look for her but stopped as she continued.

"No, no. You would actually be proud to know that I confessed to Leo tonight" this had escaped her mouth as more of a squeal of happiness but he understood thanks to the years of practice.

"You did?! And judging by you not crying it went well" now he was all giddy as well. Years of waiting for them to get together might have been worth it if this conversation goes well.

"It went perfect Ney. We kissed and everything" on the other end Marisol sat curled up next to her dog who could practically sense her owners happiness and shared it as well as she wagged her tail.

"No way" Neymar sat up at the news not thinking it went that well.

"Way. It was perfect, I kissed him and he even kissed me back" the two had blushed madly after the kissing had stopped and she buried her head into his chest out of shyness.

"Wait you initiated the kiss? You, Marisol?" that had to be the most shocking thing as the girl was as shy to romance as a teenage girl going through her first crush.

"Uh huh" she confirmed.

"Wait why were you at his house to began with" the whole thing skipped over his head till right now.

"Well that's the crazy thing he invited me over for dinner tonight out of nowhere yesterday" Marisol did find it a bit suspicious as they usually go out to eat when it's just them two as it was a lot less intimate.

"Maybe he was going to show his feelings for you before you were" the way Leo was describing his shifting feelings towards Marisol had Neymar a bit suspicious about the whole being just friends thing.

"Ney can we not get into that please" that was something of the past and that's where she hoped for it to stay.

"Fine. Alright but what happened after this? Did you guys confess your undying love for each other" he could already imagine a giddy Leo tomorrow coming into the locker room to tell the boys unless he planned to keep it private like he did this dinner.

" but we did say we would have that talk later on. You know it was getting really late and we were still high off the kiss so we just called it a night" Marisol had to practically reassure Leo that she wasn't running from him but just needed a night to process it all and get her words in order.

"Okay we can work with that" not exactly what he wanted to hear but it would do.

"So tomorrow you'll be wearing a Messi jersey for the first time in like 4 years" he could imagine the headlines now and to top that would be the steam that would come out of her brothers head at the news.

"I guess so. Sorry Ney you won't have your personal cheerleader like usual" it would definitely feel off and the looks she would reciprocate would probably make her feel uncomfortable but it wasn't anything new in her life.

"It's fine, I'm sure Leo's going to need you more tomorrow with how rough it will be for him" Madrid was a tough team to play against and an even tougher team to beat. It didn't help that Leo was constantly getting fouled on and targeted by the other team.

I Wanna Be Yours | Lionel MessiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon