Chapter 1

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73 Questions

What is your full name?

Technically speaking it's way too long and I don't remember it all, but if you ask my twin he'll tell you. I just go Marisol Sainz Vásquez de Castro.

How old are you?

I'm 24 but mentally I'm 18.

Can you state your career for those who don't know?

Well I am many things a wanna be singer and songwriter, a nepotism baby if you ask some people, but mostly an actress. A successful one if I would say so myself.

What are some of your nicknames?

I have quite a few ummm there is Sol, Mari, brother calls me traitor, some friends call me princesa, and there is quite a few more that I can't remember.

What is your favorite film that you have starred in?

You know I really can't pick there's so many. I loved shooting Fast Five for the adrenaline it gave me when driving, plus it brought me back to my old roots. The Greatest Showman and Pitch Perfect 3 was really cool too because I got to sing and if you know me you know I love to sing. Also I don't know if people count this but Moana since I loved voicing her.

Your earliest childhood memory?

Either watching El Clásico with my twin in rival jersey's, him in Madrid's and I in Barca's or karting competitions.

You mentioned karting competitions, who won more of those?

I did even though my brother loves to deny it.

Your greatest achievement?

Getting a role in La La Land, the movie went beyond expectations so to just be apart of that is crazy.

Favorite color?

Lavender or Dark Green.

Something you hope to achieve in the future?

Well I really want to create a music album I just haven't really got the time, but if not that then pick up another language, maybe French.

Your favorite designer?

Versace for the summer, Hermes for the winter, and Dior for anything.

Favorite food?


What is your relation with the Pique family?

Well our family and theirs go way back so Gerard and I sort of always scooped each other out at business meeting when we would tag along with our fathers. A steady friendship grew since then.

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