Chapter 24

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"Carlos hurry up" shouted Marisol from the doorway of his hotel.

The Sainz family—well correction the twins and their father were heading for dinner after Saturday's practices. Marisol had already been ready an hour ago as their father was driving them and swung by to pick her up first. She was in a classic back dress along with a coat as it was a bit chilly out. Her brother on the other hand had spent 20 minutes trying to fix his hair and still could not get it to his liking.

"Carlooosss" she yelled again as their father was clearly growing agitated.

"I'm going" similar to his sister he had on an all
black outfit with a black coat.

"No. Go change" while they were in a hurry to meet their reservation time, she also wasn't incline to match with him.

"I think I look great. Papá?" Carlos playing the innocent one turned to his father for his approval.

"I think you both look great, now can we please move forward" practically pushing them out the door Carlos Sr. just wanted to have a nice evening with his children with good food.

"Fine" grunting she barged past her brother but gave a beaming smile to her father.

"Oh by the way I invited a friend" her idiot brother announced once they were already in the car.

"Nice to know" she replied back sarcastically.

"Enough you two" there father was reminded that although they were two grown adults they were also still siblings.

"That's fine son, but next time a heads up would be nice" the more the merrier he thought.

"Sorry father" the rest of the car ride was filled with peaceful talk along with life updates.

"So when does your next project start hija (daughter)" her father often worried that she was over exerting herself and was pleased when she announced her break.

"Not till another two months but even then it'll be a slower pace. It's a tv show and I'll just be a guest star in some episodes" it was still a secret project, so she couldn't say what it was exactly.

"Well how wonderful I'll have you for a few more weeks" when either of his children were far away it worried him until they were back, thankfully his other two daughters were always near.

"Yeah" her phone kept pinging with text from the guys

"Who's that" her twin asked from the passenger seat as he took notice of her phone lighting up every other minute.

"Oh it's just the boys wanting to know if I was going to join them at the bar later" Neymar had currently sent her a photo of him and all the guys in a booth at one of the most famous clubs.

"Are you?" he was worried that his plan wouldn't go as he hoped.

"No I'll think I'll save my party mood for tomorrow" after all that's where hopefully the celebratory drinks would happen and she would be able to party with everyone.

"Good and should they even be out? Don't they have a match coming up" from his point of view it looked irresponsible for the football players to be out partying.

"Not until a few more days" she gave her brother a pointed look as to show him that she understood what he was trying to imply.

"Ahh let the young men have their fun Carlos. I know your like that too" their father jumped into what seemed was going to be another argument before it could further advance.

"Yeah Carlos don't shame others" but looking at the photo of Leo looking miserable she couldn't help but slightly agree.

"Finally" arriving at their destination Marisol couldn't help but be relieved as she finally wasn't confined to a car with her father and brother's ear bleeding singing.

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