Chapter 27

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"Come on Leo move your hips don't be a buzzkill" taking him to the dance floor seemed like her only way out of another argument.

"I am" he barely managed out, trying to keep his killer glare on the Brit who was enjoying himself in a talk with Neymar.

"Hey don't worry about them, look at me" grabbing his chin in her hand, she focused his eyes on hers.

"Ok" Leo mumbled out now in a trance just staring at her.

Under the lights she looked gorgeous as the red and purple glow made her seemed even more angelic, although her outfit gave off that she was the devil in disguise. They danced for a while with nothing but an inch of space between them, Leo's hands solely remained on her waist and his eyes on her. He even made sure to keep a firm grasp on her when other guys would attempt to cut in, in doing so he would shoot them death glares when they got to close. They only split up when Marisol wanted a drink.

"Come on I want a martini" reluctantly Leo let go, but was quick to reinforce some type of physical contact and held her hand until they reached their table.

"Tired" Geri asked with a smirk as he sipped on some dark liquor.

"Not quite" Leo pointed to the girl who was eagerly chugging down her alcoholic drink as if it was water.

"Another" Leo asked already about to make his
way to the bar for another if she asked.

"No water" thankfully a pitcher was left at the table for them. Leo tired of standing took the available seat to Dani's right while Marisol stayed standing overlooking the dance floor.

"Guess I'll join another table" Marisol joked once realizing there was no more seats left.

"Don't be silly have my seat" Lewis jumped up quickly but so did Leo.

"Here Marisol have mine" and it was awkward atmosphere once more realizing their predicament.

"It's fine Lewis she can have mine" Leo tried to urge the Brit to sit down again.

"I insist" the Brit declined.

"How about you both sit and I'll pull up a chair" Marisol tried to ease the tension once more but both stubborn men just stayed in an intense stare off game.

"Sit. Both of you." she finally demanded and watched as they both quickly took their seat.

"Thank you now I'll be back just going to grab a chair-" she was cut off as she was quickly grabbed and sat on a hard surface.

"Or just take the available seat" Leo smirked out as he snaked an arm around her waist. Cheekily he had sat her on his lap of course just as friends though.

"I'm sure she would much rather prefer a chair" Lewis said with some twitch to his words.

"Ehh Mari's use to sitting on my lap" the Argentine commented and watched as Marisol blushed and Dani spit his drink out a bit.

"And as friends" she added hastily not wanting to give off the wrong intentions.

"Yeah...friends" he quietly agreed once she elbowed him to stop his nonsense.

"Shots anybody" and for once in her life Marisol was thankful to see her twin.

"Sure" she grabbed one of the tray and immediately downed it, she would need about 5 more of those for this night to go smoothly.

"Someone's going to have fun tonight" Geri laughed as the girl quickly followed her first shot up with a second one.

"Let's hope so right" that's the only thing she really could prey for especially as she watched Leo and Lewis try to one up another.

I Wanna Be Yours | Lionel MessiΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα