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"Yes." Matt drew out. Rolling my eyes at his pointless notion I reply with,

"Did you hear anything I just said? Matt, you don't know me! I don't want to be a part of a group. Being alone is as easy as breathing for me. I choose to be alone. I like being alone." I urged. "When you are in a group it's easier for Ravenna's army to find you and once, they do the people you live with. The people you've come to love die or become something worse. They become someone who is no longer in control of themselves... They become slaves. I have seen enough death and slavery to last two lifetimes. Why would I allow myself to get caught up in emotions that will only have me hurting later? I told you I would meet your doctor, but that is it. After that I am gone." I snapped as I turned away from him. Strategically placing my things back into my bag to occupy my hands I can't bring myself to look at him.

"You really have been a lot through a lot, haven't you? There's so much more to you than any of us know isn't there?" Matt sadly asked me. My hands pause and my fingers twitch. Looking deeply into his eyes,

"We all have." Not wanting to be on this subject anymore I ask, "Before I washed myself, I noticed I had been wrapped in gauze was that you?" Matt returns to his cold demeanor at my question.

"Yes, I couldn't have you bleeding all over me." He confirmed with a dark look in his eyes. Sighing in frustration, this man is beyond confusing. One minute he's charming and lighthearted. The next he's dark and annoying.

"Hmmmm." Is the only response I can come up with. Continuing to place my things in my bag a thought occurs to me, "You were also the person who stole my picture, correct?" I skeptically asked him. Looking back at Matt I balance my weight on my knee. Matt places hands in his pockets and shrugs his shoulders,

"Yes, I borrowed it." My mouth flies open in shock. Quickly filling with anger. I knew he had taken it, but I didn't expect him to admit it so quickly... so openly! Before I am given a chance to go off on him, he continues, "There's no point in lying to you. I figured the only real reason you wanted your bag was for the picture. It was the only thing that couldn't be replaced. I also figured once you had the picture with you. You would slip off into the night without a trace. We both know you could do that. You've got the skills, so I borrowed it. You can have it back as soon as you meet with the doctor, and she gives you a clear bill of health."

Violently shutting my mouth, my teeth snap together angrily as I glare at him. How could he have known I would do that? Either he's as perceptive as me or he's extremely smart. There's no way he comprehends what the photo means to me. I'm not in the picture, it's a simple snap of my parents on their wedding day. Yes, I look similar to them, but I do not look the exact same. Perhaps this is a test. Refusing to give anything away I simply shrug my shoulders.

"The photograph isn't important. I found it in a random house about a year ago and I decided to keep it as a reminder of how the world used to be. People smiling... happy. People being free." By the time I'm done talking everything's in my bag. Standing up to look at him. Matt doesn't look convinced he believes me. Not really caring if he does or doesn't, I continue, "Do what you want with it. It means absolutely nothing to me." Ignoring the crushing feeling weighing on my chest. It feels like my heart is about to explode. I brush the sand from my knees, pick up my bag, and push it into his arms. Matt jumps at my sudden movement. He quickly pulls his hand from his pockets and grabs the bag. Matt raises his eyebrows at me. Replying with a smirk. I cross my arms and dare him to say something to me.

"Ummm... Why did you give this to me?" Matt asked me. Rolling my eyes,

"Oh, I thought earlier I wasn't able to carry things on my own? I thought I was to hurt to do anything for myself? I thought I was hurt so bad that I had to meet your doctor? Or was all that just a ploy to try to get me to come with you?" I angrily accused him. "Besides I wasn't sure if you had completely gone through it yet. Unfortunately, there isn't any lacy underwear for you to get your hands on." End my miniature tantrum with an exaggerated sad face Matt rolls his eyes. Smirking at him.

The Crystal Chronicles: CursedWhere stories live. Discover now