Chapter 15: Mind Games

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Surrounded by a sea of black Ravenna runs. She sprints for her life as shadows chase her and threaten to swallow her whole. Filled with fear Ravenna can't seem to look where she's going. Her night dress rips to shreds as she darts through a sticker field. However, the sting of the thorns biting into her skin can't stop her fearful pursuit. Ravenna must get away. She must escape, her life depends on it. Ravenna looks back to see if she's still being followed. Only to trip over a rock and tumble down an embankment. Screaming in fright, Ravenna's body bounces across the rocky earth. Ravenna claws at the rough soil in hopes she'll be able to stop herself, but her dreams are quickly shattered when she flies off a cliff. Ravenna's paralyzed as she sinks into a dark abyss. A scream is frozen in her throat while she falls deeper and deeper.

Suddenly Ravenna's transported on top of a glowing panel. No... what is this? Ravenna pondered as she looked around. Her body is bruised and sliced. Ravenna's clothes are torn and dirty. The ground glows beneath her while shadows swallow the edges of the circle. Ravenna stands and tries to flee, but as she reaches the end of the glowing disk Ravenna's blow back by a force field. Ravenna's eyes bulge when the wind is knocked out of her lungs. This isn't possible. Refusing to give up, Ravenna slowly stalks toward the invisible barrier. She sets her hand against it and tries to push through. The further Ravenna pushes the clear gel the more it resists her. Ravenna flies backward again. Ravenna stares at her prison in anguish. This isn't right. How can she be trapped here? Ravenna frantically wondered as she beat against the force field. Tears stream down the Queen's face.

"Let me out!! I don't understand!!!" Ravenna screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Now that's not true. You know exactly what's happening. Or have you already forgotten your heritage?" A deep voice boomed. Ravenna's face pales when she recognizes the thundering voice. No, it's not possible! He can't be here. Ravenna spins to face her captor. She gasps as Zeus's godly form blinds her.

"This isn't possible... you're trapped... you can't be here!" Ravenna growled. However, Zeus remains unaffected by her angered remark. Instead, the great God shrugs his shoulders,

"Yes, yes. Don't worry I'm technically where you left me." Zeus laughed. Ravenna cowers as the large man nears her.

"How are you here?!" Ravenna demanded as she tried to dart around him, but Zeus grabbed her by the throat. Zeus's face contorts in rage as he lifts Ravenna from the ground. Ravenna gaps for air while Zeus's hand tightens around her throat.

"You really have forgotten where you came from." Zues hissed as he threw Ravenna across the circle. Ravenna bounces off the invisible wall and lands on the glowing disk. Ravenna shakily picks herself up as the God continues with flames in his eyes, "You'll never be rid of me! We are connected for eternity after all. You should have known those silly potions would only keep me at bay for so long. My body may be trapped, but our minds will always be connected. Allowing me to torture you as you torture me."

"Why have you brought me to this place!" Ravenna fumed. She must not let Zeus see her fear. She must not be afraid. The God is only in her head after all. Zeus laughed at Ravenna's fiery attitude,

"Still filled with hate I see."

"At least I'm still free. I'm not so sure the same can be said about you." Ravenna mocked the large man before her. However, the king of gods doesn't take kindly to being mocked. Zeus's body glows as lightning rains down from the sky. A raging storm builds in Zeus's eyes. The elements respond to their master's call. Ravenna screams when the lightning burns her skin. The hot electricity melts her skin away in large patches. No this is not possible, Ravenna's eyes widened in shock. Ever since Ravenna bonded with Zeus, lightning has not harmed her. She's an extension of the great God himself.

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