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The day of my parents' death flows through my dreams. My mother, kissing my head and whispering I love you. My father is holding my mother. Their bodies hitting the floor. My shrill screams echoing through my ears. I bolted up in a frenzy. So much for a few restful hours of sleep. My entire body is on fire. My veins are filled with molten magma. My heart is pounding loudly in my ears. I'm not sure if my mother told me she loved me or if it was a figment of my imagination. I hope those were her last words to me, but I'll never know.

The room is chilly and there's frost covering the windows. Snowflakes surround my body. The room is lit up in a blue hue. Taking a deep breath, I try to slow my heart rate. How is it I'm burning up, but somehow managed to freeze the room? Slowly I shove my powers back to their hidden place inside my head. After I gain control over my powers, the room fades from blue back to black. It's still the middle of the night. Happy the blue hue is now gone I blink my eyes and shake my head to let my eyes readjust to the dark lighting. My power has been reduced to a dull radiating hum in the back of my mind.

The chill in the air slowly begins to subside. Being able to control water is cool until you accidentally freeze the water floating in the air. The water temperature no longer affects me, so the seemingly chilly air doesn't really bother me. What bothers me is I still haven't figured out how to control my powers while I sleep. Pushing the thoughts of my parents aside I reach into my bag and grab my canteen. I shake it lightly and hear nothing. Great, it's frozen. Sighing, I stand up, stretch quickly and shake my head. Sleeping on hard services definitely isn't for the faint of heart. I could really use a masseuse right about now.

With the canteen still in my hand I began to walk toward the bathroom. Carefully avoiding the questionable areas of the floor. I finally reached the bathroom. Breathing deeply, I begin to focus my energy. Feeling my blood begin to heat up, slowly the room lights up in a bright blue hue. Slowly the sense of my veins boiling subsides and I am left with a lit up blue room. When I first learned I could turn my eyes on and off the feeling of my powers surfacing used to be quite painful. At first, I'd scream or faint, but now I am used to it. It hardly affects me.

Walking up to the bathroom counter I look into the giant mirror. My hand quickly wiped the dust and grime from the mirror. Staring back at me are my electric blue eyes. I look like a freak when I'm like this. Years ago, the sight of them left me in wonder, then disgust, and now they are just a part of who I am. One good thing about my blue eyes is the night vision. The blue glow effectively lights up dark spaces. I can basically see everything. Even the sandy dirt clinging onto what I imagined used to be a white marble sink.

Looking down at my canteen I envision the water inside getting warmer. After a few seconds of concentrating, I shake the canteen and am relieved to hear the water sloshing around inside. Unscrewing the lid, I dump some into my cupped hands and splash it onto my face. The cool water feels nice. After quickly taking a drink, I look back at myself in the mirror. I definitely wouldn't call myself the most beautiful girl in the world, but I'm not ugly.

To a normal human I have raven hair escalating in light waves down to the middle of my back. My skin tone is ivory with a slight peach undertone. Light freckles sprinkled across my face and arms. When my eyes aren't electric blue, they are hazel. Constantly changing from gray to green. Exactly like my father. I have high cheekbones, a cute little nose, full lips, and a toned hourglass figure. The sad thing is my eyes are the only feature of my father's I have.

But what little beauty I have doesn't stand a chance against Ravenna's though. When Ravenna allowed us to see her "normally" I could tell she was extremely beautiful. Compared to Ravenna I am simply average. Shaking my head, I tightly pulled my hair into a high ponytail. It doesn't matter that Ravenna is beautiful. She's still a monster. By the time I look somewhat presentable the crystal heats up. Looking down at the capsule as it pulsates. It's a warning this time: Ravenna's soldiers are close. I'm not sure why the crystal warns me. It's like it doesn't want to be captured either.

The Crystal Chronicles: CursedWhere stories live. Discover now