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My heart wants me to stay here. In such a short time this place has begun to feel like home, but deep down I know that'll never be true. However, for now, I'll let myself be free. At least until my stitches come out. At least until I must return to the real world. Bang. Bang. Bang. Loud knocks interrupt my thoughts. Gazing at the clock. It's 3:00 AM. Who could that possibly be? My mind flashes to an image of Matt. Ashley groans beside me. Shaking my head, I quickly got up and answered the door. I frown when Valerie's face comes into view,

"Good, you're here." Valerie purred.

"Who is it?" Ashley groggily called.

"No one." I answered. "I'll be right back." I step into the hallway and close the door. "I hope you have a good explanation for showing up uninvited at this time of night." I growled. However, the woman in front of me could care less about my intensifying anger. Valerie simply cleans her nails with a wicked smirk.

"I'm simply following your instructions. You told me to come and find you when I found someone who could beat you. It turns out I found multiple someone's." Valerie laughed only then did I notice the five men surrounding me. My body stiffens when Valerie begins to back away. It's ironic how she's running away now. I recognize a few of the men. One I took down after he tormented Sam. I believe his name is Conner. Another two are the man I took down in the bar earlier. I guess they're back for more. The last two remain a mystery though,

"Is this how you win your battles? By forcing others to fight for you?" I growled as Valerie spun around and shot daggers at me with her eyes.


"Then you're no better than Ravenna." I laughed at her. Valerie's face contorts in rage.

"You won't be so big and bad after they're finished with you." Valerie nods her head toward her hired hands, "She's clearly unarmed. Get rid of her." One of the men pulled her to the side and whispered something into her ear. Flames flicker behind her eyes before she shoves him away with all her might. "I don't care how you do it!" Valerie bellowed and flung her arms through the air, "Throw her from the top of the Grand Canyon. Chop her up and feed her to the pigs. Drown her and flush her down the canal. I want her gone tonight!" Her tantrum comes to an end as she spins around and disappears down the hallway. Great Valerie keeps her hands clean, and I am left with her assassin squad.

The men stalk closer, trapping me in a circle. Two of the men pull out long knives. One has rope wrapped around his shoulder. Another smirks at me and flaunts a burlap sack in his hands. The largest one winks at me vilely before he cracks knuckles. My eyes dart up and down the hallway as I analyze my options. I doubt Ashley would rush to the door in her current state. Even if I banged on it like a mad woman. Plus, if I did that, I'd be exposing her to these monsters and that's not something I'm willing to do. They're closing in quickly; I won't have time to slip around them. The hallways are dead empty. Cracking my neck, I guess I have to stand my ground and pray I can handle them on my own. An immediate threat is sobering. My head clears and my senses catch up to me. My muscles are ready for their attack, but I raise my hands in submission.

"Guys. I have no idea what Valerie talked to you into, but I think it would be best if you turned around and left." I gently warned them.

"Better for us?" One of the men chuckled. "You mean better for you!" I shrug my shoulders,

"Hey, if you guys want a fight. I'll give you a fight, but I feel obligated to warn you. I was trained for years in combat. I've fought off some of Ravenna's best soldiers. You don't scare me." I scoot myself against the wall. The men don't care because they feel they've backed me into a corner. Thank goodness Ashley's outfit came with a black leather belt. If it didn't, they'd be right. I'd be screwed. My words distract the gathering men long enough for me to remove the belt from my hips and wrap my knuckles with each end. I leave a ten-inch gap between my hands. Creating my own defensive weapon. The men either don't notice my subtle movements or they could care less. I keep my eyes trained on the men with knives and keep the others in my peripheral vision. I only shift slightly to keep all five men in view.

The Crystal Chronicles: CursedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon