Some Flowers have Thorns

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"Help me stand." I curtly instructed. The charm disappeared from my voice in an instant. Wyatt jumps at my sudden change in tone. Coming off too strong I pause and rethink. I'll catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Quickly softening my gaze and plastering a light smile on my face, "I'm sorry... My side is hurting. I don't handle pain well." Wyatt slowly relaxes and nods his head at my fake apology as if it makes complete sense. If only this boy knew the level of pain, I could truly handle. In all reality I probably could have stood on my own, but I want Wyatt to focus on anything else, so he doesn't tattle on me. Wyatt nervously looks at Matt's back.

"If you're in pain you probably shouldn't move too much." Wyatt cautiously said. Great, I scared the kid away.

"Oh nonsense." I quickly insisted, "Standing is the best remedy. Plus, it would be safer if you helped me stand. Rather than letting me do it on my own. What if I lose my balance and fall?" I whimpered. Wyatt's eyes dart back to Matt, it's like he's trying to decide if he should go get Matt's permission. "Don't worry about Mr. Stick up his butt. He gave me permission to take a drink and stretch. My muscles need some movements before they turn to stone. Besides, if you call him over here to ask him if I'm allowed to stand. I'm worried he'll stroke out because you called him away from more important things." I nonchalantly said as I dug dirt from under my fingernails. Wyatt laughs and stands up. Reaching his hand down to me he says,

"You know with a mouth like that you'll fit right in." Using his hand for support I pull myself up. Smiling brightly at Wyatt I wink at him and joke,

"If Matt gets mad, tell him I threatened you with a knife or something." Wyatt bursts out into laughter, laughing with him I say, "Thank you Wyatt, for everything." Wyatt smiles softly at me,

"You're welcome. If you ever need anything let me know. You've got a few friends in this group." Wyatt goes to turn around, but I grab his arm.

"Hey, I need your help with something." I said while standing extremely close to him. Wyatt looks flustered and his body is stiff. Slowly tracing my hand up his arm all the way up to his cheek. My fingertips leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake. I slowly inch my face toward his. He closes his eyes and I back up laughing uncontrollably, "I'm sorry Wyatt that opportunity was way too good to just pass. I apologize I have kinda a sick sense of humor. Anyway, I was just wondering if you'd be willing to pick up my canteen and take it with you? Now that I'm standing, I don't think I'll be able to bend down and get it. Plus, I doubt Prince Charming will allow me to keep it anyway." Wyatt stares at me with his jaw on the ground before he shakes it off and starts laughing with me. Wyatt bends down and grabs my canteen.

"You really had me going there for a second." He tightly said.

"Wanna make a bet to see if I can get Matt to get going too?" I coyly asked.

"Oh, you're on! I say no you can't. I swear that man has a heart of stone. But, hey we'll talk about this later though because it looks like we are about to head out. I'll see you later..."

"Oh, my name's Alex by the way." I shyly said.

"Well Alex, I'll see you later to talk about this bet." Smiling at Wyatt's back, I stretch. Grimacing, Athena and her gang did do a number on me. Looking down at my body I feel like I need to vomit. A nice bath or shower would do me wonders right about now. I look down at my side and I see a mix of dried and wet blood spots. Going over the pros and cons of moving my shirt. I decided it's probably better to leave it for now. My shirt must be sealing my wound closed. Might as well leave it until I have fresh water to clean it with.

Looking away from my bruised body I focus on my surroundings. It looks like we are smack dab in the middle of the desert. The only things around me are Sand Dunes, a few cacti, and the occasional tumbleweed. There's no way I can escape this group without my pack. Not in the middle of this hell hole. I can summon water from the sky in the desert, but without other necessities such as food, clean clothes, or medical supplies my odds of survival diminish significantly. The crystal can't heal starvation and it can also only do so much against the raw elements. On top of that I need maps to reach my destination. Unfortunately, I've never been to San Jose, and I don't have time to wander aimlessly, lost.

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