Chapter 11: Dead Man's Valley

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Raindrops splattering against the back of my neck wake me from unconsciousness. Squinting into the sky I see the storm clouds brewing. Smiling, time to go. The thunderous clouds will continue to grow until they cover the desert. Nothing can stop them until the sun rises. Soon the desert will flood, making Ravenna a problem for another day. But, if I'm not fast enough the group is going to get caught in it.

Holding my injured side tightly, I shimmy across the sand. My muscles scream with each movement, threatening to tear themselves apart. But my hand somehow reaches my bow. Pulling my sore body from the sand, I quickly gather my things. Staggering once I'm to my feet my knees give out. As my body tumbled back to the sand I quickly wrenched to the side and grabbed a hold of the banister. My shaking body rocks the disintegrating porch railing.

I feel like passing out. Squinting my eyes this is not my end, this is not how I will die. With newfound determination I pushed off the banister and staggered around the house. Pushing myself in the direction I sent the group. Slowly my legs stop shaking and I force them as fast as they will carry me. Each step causes excruciating pain to my side and sadly applying pressure to my wound is only helping a little. As I am running a loud boom echo through the desert. Looking behind me I smile, gotcha. They won't be getting past that for a while. Their programming won't let them.

Thoroughly drenched by the time I catch up to the group. I slow to a stop as I reach the rear of the pack and quickly attempt to catch my breath.

"Look, Awex is backs!" As Valentina said this Matt's head snaps around to look at me.

"Alex, thank goodness!" Matt rushed to me. "We are about a mile from where you told us to wait for you. I was worried you wouldn't make it. Especially since it started sprinkling. Are you okay? Did you just run the last four miles!? What did you do at the house?" Matt quickly asked me.

"Can I get some water before I answer your hundred questions, please?" I groaned. My throat is so dry it burns.

"Oh yes of course! Wyatt, can you get her some water please." Matt urgently called. Wyatt runs over with a canteen in a matter of seconds. Greedily grabbing the canteen, I gulp down a few mouthfuls before I hear,

"Great now she's drinking all our water." Valerie sneered. Looking up at her unimpressed, I take a long drawn-out drink. Smirking as her eyes darken.

"To answer your questions Matt. I'm fine, just sore from running from the house. Which is about four miles away wouldn't you say Valerie?" I asked her. Valerie huffs in reply, not even giving me the respect of an answer, "I'm obviously thirsty from my marathon training and just for your information Valerie. This canteen and the water in it are mine." I said as I dramatically shook my canteen. Valerie crosses her arms and storms away. Switching my focus from Valerie to Matt I continue, "I was burying charged arrowheads in the sand." I quickly informed him as I took another drink. Matt looks at me confused so I must explain,

"They aren't normal arrowheads; they are something I made. When the ghosted step on them, they will explode. The ghosted will have to wait for the area to be cleared. They don't know where they are buried and Ravenna refuses to lose her precious soldiers. I bought us a few hours after the bang from earlier." Pausing for a second as a raindrop hits me, "With the charges that is, but the storm sent by Mother Nature will stop them until morning. However, if we don't move fast enough, we'll be caught in the middle of a flash flood. But if we can make it through the storm. Ravenna's army will have one hell of a time following us." I explained. Realization hit Matt's eyes as he gazed at the storm clouds.

"The storm will cover our tracks... they won't have anything to follow." Matt rejoiced.

"That's the plan." I stated. "Now let's move out. Ashley, I need you to explain to the children they need to stay with us. Here soon the desert will become extremely dangerous. You must also tell them we have to run. This is very important." Ashley nods her head firmly in understanding and begins talking to the children. Handing the canteen back to Wyatt, I walk to the front of the group and begin leading the group farther east.

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