Any Last Words Traitor?

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If Ravenna believes that because I'm not the only person who has been bonded with the crystal, I'll simply give up. She's dead wrong. Knowing I'll tire faster than the others I take a quick deep breath and start my attack. I move as fast as I can. If she thinks I'm going down without retaliation, I'll give her something new to see. I'll take her whole damn squad of prized guard members with me. Quickly coming face to face with Bia I stab her in the shoulder. The small smile she gives me surprises me a little. Why did she almost condone my actions? Why would her eyes tell me it's okay?

She yanks her shoulder free of my blade. Shredding her tender flesh farther. Suddenly I feel a presence behind me as I'm swinging for Bia's carotid. Seeing Nike mid swing I don't have enough time to react before she grabs me. Struggling against Nikes tight hold, Bia slowly walks over to me. Her eyes momentarily flash an apology before she gives me a wicked smile. She slowly caulks her head to the side as she watches me fight against Nike. Suddenly Bia' s fist connects hard with my nose. Listening to my cartilage crumble upon impact, for a brief moment my vision fills with white sparkles. Blood spurts from my nose as I groan. I probably deserved that. Especially after what I did to her two years ago.

Bia turns around and kicks me in the rib cage. Heaving at the forceful strike, I can't be sure if my ribs are broken. But I know I'm going to feel that tomorrow. Athena steps forward with her big knife. A vindictive smile spreads across her cheeks. I need to find a way out of this... Not really having a plan I use the only option available to me. Picking my feet off the ground, I use every muscle in my body to kick off of Bia. Who is standing far too close. The force of the kick sent Bia and Nike tumbling. As Nike fly's she holds tightly onto me, but as soon as our bodies hit the ground her grip loosens. Head butting her in the face as hard as I can. I'm rewarded with her screams, and she releases me to reach for her nose.

The pain in my head has worsened, but it was worth it. I quickly grabbed my last knife from my thigh holster and stabbed Nike in the leg. Listening to her scream in pain, I smile a little. Serves you right! That should keep her occupied for a minute. Staying low to the ground I turn and face Nike. Tearing my knife from her thigh I dug it between her eighth and ninth rib. Puncturing Nike's right lung. The sick sucking sound of her gasping for breath as her lung collapses makes me cringe. I hate all the bloodshed.

Bia regained her footing; I saw her move with my peripheral vision. I quickly spin around and run at her. Swiftly disarming her by slitting her wrist with my knife. Bia gasps at my vicious movements. Utilizing her moment of surprise, I make use of her outstretched arms and cartwheel in front of her. Effectively evading her confused blows easily. Once my feet are back on solid ground, I run up the side of the building and throw myself onto her shoulders.

Wrapping my legs tightly around her neck I feel her muscles tense beneath me. Bia claws at my legs to force me to release my hold. Instead of giving her what she wants I sink my blade into the left side of her chest and quickly drag it down her rib cage. Breaking multiple bones in the process. Bia lets out a blood curdling scream before her body begins to collapse. As her knees buckle my feet find solid ground again. Stepping off Bia's shoulders I use my foot to push her body away from me and onto the ground.

Wincing at the sting from the bloody scratches Bia's nails dug into my exposed legs, I shake my head. At this point I have cuts and slashes all over my body. Warm sticky blood coats all of me. Groaning loudly, I'm going to look and feel worse tomorrow. I can already feel the bruises forming under my skin. It wouldn't surprise me if I currently have a concussion. Thank goodness for the healing powers the crystal has shared with me. Or I'd be hurting for more than a day or two.

While I am briefly assessing my wounds. I temporarily forget about Athena and look down at Bia. 'I'm sorry, I actually liked you. Even though you always seem to get hurt in the end.' My thoughts are interrupted by sand being thrown into my face. Staggering backwards completely disorientated, I attempt to blink the grains of sand from my stinging eyes. As I place my hands in front of my face the shooting pain of a knife being thrust into the left side of my stomach shoots through my body. Gasping as I fall onto my knees. I scream as my body burns with searing pain.

The Crystal Chronicles: CursedWhere stories live. Discover now