Adverse Reaction

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"I haven't had the time to try and stitch you up, I did the best I could with the time I had." Matt wrapped me in gauze... I was so focused on other things I wasn't paying attention to what else he said to me. Feeling the color drain from my face as I realize the effort, he put into making sure I'd be okay. I guess I owe Matt, another thank you.

The gauze is soaked in various shades of blood. The center of the bandage where my wound is located is bright red. Soaking up the fleshly pumped blood. While the outskirts of the stain fade from maroon to dark brown. The gauze illustrates how profusely I've been bleeding: the stain nearly wraps around my small body. Most of my stomach and the bottom of my rib cage are wrapped in the bloody bandages. Confused by the amount. If my memory is correct the blade was only three inches. Why is most of my torso covered? I know I pulled the knife out straight... or at least I think I did.

Scrunching my eyebrows, I desperately try to remember the events following Athena stabbing me but it's still hazy. Shocked by the lack of remembrance I lean back on the rock. Maybe I did injure myself worse than I thought. Or maybe Matt just wrapped me with more gauze than necessary to account for the excessive bleeding. The gauze is knotted on my right side, sighing. Might as well see the damage. There's no point in speculating when I haven't seen it yet.

Slowly untying the knot, I gently pull the gauze away from my battered body. Removing the first few layers was a breeze. But once I get to the gauze closer to my skin the searing pain begins. The dried and wet blood jerked violently against my wound, bringing tears to my eyes. My blood begins to warm as my powers push to the surface. Closing my eyes, I brace myself against the rock. Focusing everything on my breathing, I attempt to shove my powers back down.

With every inch of gauze, I remove my power rams against me harder. Slowly pushing to the surface. Giving up once I realize I'm not going to be able to control my powers. I quickly listen to my surroundings. The only noises are coming from inside the house or the slow-moving moat. Feeling semi-confident I'm not being spied on, I quickly let my powers flow. Grabbing the free end of the gauze I quickly unraveled the last few layers. Wincing loudly as I rip the last of the strip from my skin, the wound begins profusely bleeding again. Turning my head away in disgust. I haven't looked this bad since I started out in Ravenna's personal guard.

Seeing the wound with my crystal eyes couldn't possibly do it justice. Quickly shutting down my powers I gaze at Athena's work. The deep gash is three inches across. Spreading two jagged lips an inch from my navel to my left side. Based on the placement it's doubtful she hit anything vital. She most likely punctured my intestines, perhaps even the lining of my stomach but thankfully Athena missed my kidney. She got me good, and the crystal uses more energy to heal my vital organs, it's tiring. Less vital organs heal easily.

However, something strange is happening around the shredded tissue. The blood and dirt covering my skin nearly hides the little black "veins" sprouting at the edges of the injury. Great, Athena must've poisoned the blade. I'm not sure if the poison was meant to incapacitate me or kill me. But it was obviously the backup plan if she couldn't finish the job. I wonder who came up with that brilliant plan. Most likely Ravenna. However, there's one thing she doesn't know. I'm too strong to let this kill me. It hurts but I'm still standing.

I gently touch the surrounding flesh. It hurts like hell, but it's healed some. Originally, I pulled a six-inch blade from my side. But now it feels less than two inches deep. Thank the lord for my healing abilities. Without them I'd have a horrible infection by now: without them I would have died one way or another.

After inspecting my most concerning wounds my eyes fell on the nasty bruise stretching across most of my rib cage. Bia's violent kick springs to mind as I gently touch the blackened tissue. Hissing as I press against a newly found broken rib, my hand quickly pulls away. Dropping my hand to my side I shake my head. When the crystal is bonded with an individual it gives its energy to them. Effectively turning small women into superhuman fighting machines. If I was normal her kick would have crushed my rib cage. Thankfully the same energy that gives her power assists me as well.

The Crystal Chronicles: CursedWhere stories live. Discover now