The Doc

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My mouth opens in surprise as I enter the infirmary. I'm surprisingly amazed by the vast difference between this place and the dark creepy hallways. It looks like a legit hospital. There are machines, curtains, chairs in the waiting area, private rooms, even a desk. The space also has refreshingly bright white walls. The floors are wood instead of cement and the air is heavy with cleaning products. Bleach and sanitizer sting my nostrils when I inhale. My eyes continue to search the brightly lit space until they land on a little old lady sitting at the desk in the very back of the room. My curiosity draws me forward. The gray-haired woman quickly finished her sentence and placed her paper into a folder before she looked up. Gasping as our eyes meet, she's the oldest woman I've seen in a long time. Her face is sun kissed and covered in wrinkles. She wears a white coat and gives me a warm smile as she slowly stands.

"Matt, what a welcome surprise this is." The doctor kindly greeted us.

"Dr. Baldwin. I brought you the patient you had requested to see once she woke up." Matt said. Feeling both of their eyes crash onto my body, I awkwardly wave my hand a little. This is the doctor Matt wanted me to come, see? An extremely old woman? I must still be dreaming. She looks like my grandparents before they passed away. Grey hair, wrinkled skin, slight hunch in her back. However, her old haggard appearance doesn't hide the curiosity flickering behind her brown eyes.

"Umm hi I'm Alex." I introduced myself awkwardly. Dr. Baldwin smiles brightly at me and slowly walks over,

"Come on children, let's go to a private room and check you out Alex." Dr. Baldwin urged. Nodding my head, I follow the doctor. I gasp as we step into the room. I'm instantly confused. It looks like she took me to a child's room. The walls are filled with bright flowers and random safari animals. The bed is bright blue and green. Are all of the private rooms like this? I ponder. Perhaps this was the only equipment they could salvage?

"Is everything alright child?" Dr. Baldwin gently asked when she noticed my hesitation.

"Umm... sure." I confirmed as I awkwardly walked to the table.

"Alex, are you sure? You don't look ok." Matt softly noticed. Looking into his eyes,

"Yes, I'm fine. It's been years since I've been in a kid's doctor's office, I guess. I was only a little surprised we came in here since I'm over the age of 20, but it's fine." I explained with a stiff smile. Dr. Baldwin looks at me with an embarrassed expression,

"I'm sorry, currently this is the only private room that has been properly sterilized. I let my nurse leave early today, it's her anniversary. Even at my age I remember how important those can be. Unfortunately, I did not expect you to wake up for a few more days, but I can assure you the next time you're here. You'll be in an adult room." Dr. Baldwin quickly assured me. Her explanation sounds plausible, and I take it in good faith. I slowly sit on the colorful table. "Okay my dear, before I look at your wounds, I need some information from you."

"What kind of questions will you be asking?" I exhaled rather forcefully with my eyebrows raised in suspicion.

"Don't worry it's just some basic information. I'd like to get a file started. I create one for every one of my patients. I still follow the old laws and oaths. The information charted inside is for my eyes only. It's simply a tool to assist me in treating you. If there is anything you don't know or don't want to answer, that's fine." Dr. Baldwin said. Nodding my head reluctantly for some reason I look to Matt for encouragement. He smiles at me and it's contagious. Just as my lips begin to turn upward, I shake my head a little and look away from his playful gaze. Why am I looking at him for comfort? I barely even know him. Focusing back on the doctor, she begins to ask her questions.

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