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This is no longer about being with my parents or not feeling anything, I realize. This is about survival. I can't stick out. I can't be different or else my death will be as gruesome as the boy's. Plastering a void expression on my face, I turn my head forward. Stepping only when the others do. Determined to convince the murders I'm the same as the others. Making it into the building, the never-ending line continues at snail speed. After what feels like hours of inching through the line, I finally reached a little desk and quickly sat down. Clenching my fists tightly to stop them from shaking. Breathe. I know I'm doing the right thing. I watched countless people before me do this.

The lady sitting behind the desk quickly scans my eyes with a bar code reader. This is it... they're gonna figure out I'm different. However, after the bright light blinds me, she continues her work unphased. I force myself not to blink as she's typing on her computer. I CAN'T BE DIFFERENT!!! By the time she's finished my eye site has returned and she indifferently presses stickers to my forehead and attaches wires to them. The docile lady returns to typing before she hits a big button on her desk.

My teeth clench as a violent electric shot is sent through my skull and down my spine. I almost scream as the surge courses through my body. But at the last second, I deeply sink my teeth into the soft flesh of my cheek to stop any noise from escaping my lips. The coppery taste of blood floods my mouth. My muscles still shake after the electricity has left my body. The lady's fingers hover over the torturous button as she reads her screen. Please don't shock me again... I'm not sure I can stop my screams if you do... The lady stares at her computer for a few minutes before she nods her head and rips the stickers from mine. I must get up! I must continue. The others didn't sit and take a break. If I don't act like the rest, I would have gone through all that pain for nothing. Trying not to shake as I stand, I slowly join the others at the back of the room. Suddenly typed words flicker across my vision,

Leave the monitoring building through the back door. Wait outside for further instructions.

Blinking my eyes vigorously, where did that come from? Unfortunately, I don't have time to figure it out. The ghosted who have already gone through Ravenna's electrical adventure are funneling out the door. Merging with the middle of the line I let the sea of people pull me outside. I gotta keep the same expression as the others. So, I attempt to glue the same blank face as before. Hearing a man clear his throat I carefully look for him in the growing crowd of people. I try not to move my head too much. I don't want to attract unnecessary attention.

"Welcome to Ravenna's first training camp. Depending on how you do here will depend on what kind of job you get. The building you went through is called the monitoring building. It is called this because beneath the room you were in is where our systems monitor you. We can see through your eyes and send commands directly to each of you from that room. Obviously, that isn't the only way we will communicate with you. However, your programming stops you from speaking unless you are directly spoken to..." The man continues his speech, but I drown most of it out. What's the point? None of this is the way it's supposed to be. Momma said when you become ghosted you don't feel. Ravenna controls you. I can see that's true for the people around me, but it doesn't apply to me. The commands come in, but I can choose whether to do it. Momma said the ghosted can't communicate. Well, that's not entirely true either. We aren't supposed to be able to talk unless spoken to. Then why can I feel words forming on the tip of my tongue? Another flashing command pulls my train of thought off track.

Go to the decommissioned school in the middle of the camp to receive your name.

Only after the command fades from my vision do I realize the man from the podium has stopped talking and stepped down. My name? But I have a name. Regrettably I don't have time to question the command. Instead, I follow the group closely. That is all I must do for now. Follow the others and stay alive.

The Crystal Chronicles: CursedWhere stories live. Discover now