Chapter 25: Second Chances

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The room is dead silent, and the temperature has dropped significantly since Matt entered the space. Maps and documents have been left abandoned on the large desk. While Matt paces restlessly in his office. His duties have been long forgotten while he flounders over Alex. By the time it was too late to undo his actions, Matt finally realized he had handled the incident between Valerie and Alex all wrong. However, his brain short-circuited the moment Valerie had spoken Alex's name aloud.

He stormed off without a second thought and confronted Alex. He was too blind to check Valerie's story and too oblivious to see the consequences of his actions. As soon as the accusation left his lips, Matt wished he could take it back. Alex was so pissed. Matt could see flames flicker behind her eyes furiously before she shoved the list of witnesses to his chest. At that moment, Matt was at a loss for words. He simply watched, while the mysterious woman angrily stormed back into her class and slammed the door in his face.

At that point, there was nothing else to discuss. Valerie had told her side of the story and Alex reluctantly told hers. Unfortunately, their accounts were like night and day. All that was left for Matt to do was to talk to the others. However, the longer Matt investigated the matter the angrier he got. Each child he spoke to had the same story. Either they saw nothing, or Alex saved them from a rogue arrow. The children who saw what happened painted a very vivid picture for Matt. Valerie shot the arrow. Alex caught it and forced Valerie from the room. Plain and simple. Matt didn't bother talking to anyone else after that. He simply stormed into his office and locked himself inside.

Matt tried to continue fulfilling his duties, but he was too distracted. Now Matt paces back-and-forth: climbing the walls while he racks his brain. Matt needs to fix this... He spoke before he had all the facts. Matt must assure Alex that no disciplinary action will be taken against her. Matt involuntarily froze when Valerie's face pops into his mind. Valerie... What is he going to do about her? Matt shakes his head in disapproval. Valerie's actions were deplorable, but she is a problem for another day. Right now, Matt needs to find a way to fix things with Alex. However, each idea he comes up with is worse than the last. Matt feels defeated and he slumps into his leather chair. Bang. Bang. Bang. A thunderous knock echoes through Matt's office.

"Go away!" Matt muttered while he spun his chair away from the door. But to Matt's dismay, his instructions are intentionally ignored. The code is entered and the heavy door creaks open. Matt keeps his back facing the door. "I want to be left alone!" Matt bellowed.

"Are yah sure about that?" Ty chuckled. Matt spins around in shock. What is Ty doing here? Ty has a large mischievous smile spread across his face. Matt doesn't have time for his games.

"Yes." Matt growled before he spun away again.

"Oh, all right. Ahh'll be leavin then. Ahh only stopped by to tell yah Ahh have a solution to yah'r problem." Ty shrugged his shoulders with a pitiful look written on his face before he slowly bantered away. Matt's eyes widened.

"What problem?" Matt spins to face Ty.

"Yahr Alex problem." Ty shrugged nonchalantly as he continued toward the door. Matt bolts from his chair.

"Wait!" Matt begged. Ty turned around with a large smile, but Matt was perplexed. "How do you know about my situation with Alex?"

"Dude, most of the safe house knows bout the tiff between Alex and Valerie. Ahh made an educated guess about the rest." Ty laughed.

"Yeah, the situation did blow up in my face." Matt sighed and his body sagged in the chair in exhaustion.

"Good thing yah have a wonderful best friend. Ahh've created the perfect opportunity for you to fix it." Ty proudly trumpeted.

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