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{prompt; write a short story based on a murder who never got caught. Can be loosely fiction, but must be mostly nonfiction.} (I chose the zodiac killer but the victims aren't real.)


They don't get it. It's not a choice to do this. These people aren't suffering. They aren't victims, they're simply sacrifices. I only kill so that my afterlife will be comfortable, why can't they understand that? "John! Stop spacing out and get back to restocking the shelves." My boss yelled at me for what seemed like the fifth time today. "Yes, sir," I said reluctantly. This is why I do what I do. My life is miserable now, so I simply want a comfortable afterlife. It's not that hard to understand. Unfortunately "murder" is illegal so I have to keep myself hidden. I've already gotten away with it twelve times and they've only realized I've killed two people, the police in this town aren't very smart. I glanced at the time and noticed it was time for my shift to be over. I left all the restocking items where they were, not bothering to bring them to the back, my shifts over it's not my problem anymore.

As I left the store I noticed a woman walking to her car, no children, no ring, seemingly innocent. Wait, I'm outside of my job. Can't kill her, she's too close to me by just being on the premises. I've gotten too far to throw it away on an easy target. I walk home to choose my next target. I have a car, but if I drove I'd never have a good look at the people around me. I chose a job far from my home, but close enough so it's still light when I get there. Today I was unlucky on my walk home so I guess I'll go to the lovers' lookout tonight. I grab a microwaveable meal from my fridge and heat it up as I turn on the news. "The zodiac killer is still at large. The cipher he sent in previously turns out to be a fake. There's been a new note and it's just recently been deciphered. The killer is not afraid of the electric chair, in fact, he welcomes death. That is the most up-to-date news we have as you know the deciphered notes are online and in the newspapers if you'd like to read them word for word. Reminder to stay inside, women are encouraged to stick with someone if they are home alone, or even walking to their car. He seems to be targeting mostly women, but he's also attacked couples so men stay safe out there too. Double-check your doors and windows. Now onto-" I shut the TV off. Yes, women are more easy to overpower and super easy to kill. It's time to scare some men tonight, maybe even some cops.

I hid behind the tree as I watched the man check his watch for the fifth time. I grabbed my knife as I walked up behind the man. I pulled down my mask as I snuck up and quickly slit his throat. I prop him up on the rock he's sitting on so he's facing the lookout. I get back behind the tree I was just previously behind as I wait for his date. "You will not believe what Chelsea said to me at work today, babe." I heard the woman speak as I watched her walk up to the dead body. A sickening small smile sneaks on my face as I creep up behind my second victim of the night. I watched as she placed her hand on his shoulder and his head fell to the side. I listened as I heard her ear-piercing scream cut off by my knife in her stomach. I watched as her body went limp and she fell to the ground, falling off my knife. I didn't care if she lived or not, my main victim was the man. That didn't mean I wasn't going to traumatize her or anyone who heard her story if she were to live. I swiped two fingers over her open wound and used the blood to draw my signature on the rock the two victims laid on. I ripped the necklace off her neck as I threw a piece of fabric from my past victim onto her stomach. I watched as her eyes followed me as I did so, I refrained from speaking. I wanted to, I wanted to tell her something she'd have to repeat, to every officer, every reporter, and maybe every dream. But it's too risky. My notes are enough to scare some of the public and a few officers, but her story, her horrific experience with me, and her experience with almost dying will shake them to their core.

I watched the news as I saw they did their interview with the girl who survived. It had been a few decades and they never caught me. I even went up and down the coast with my killings, as a counter meauser for the cops to not pinpoint my location or home. I'm glad I expanded my geological profile because not only did it throw the cops and FBI off my trail, but it also helped me get more victims and now I'll have nearly forty servants in my afterlife. "I remember the feeling of his fingers going into my wound and I remember watching him use my blood to draw his cross-hair symbol." A smile, similar to the one I had that night, had found its way to my face. She remembered all the details I needed her to. Of course, she would, I mean it was traumatic, but you never know if their brain blocks off the memory or if they have a perfect memory of the night. I sighed with a smile as I rested my head back on my pillow and closed my eyes. This is why I always attacked people younger than me. This is why I always had low-profile jobs. This is why I never got married. they would outlive me, I was never suspected with my job, I never got close enough for someone to realize it was me and I would get away with murder.

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