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Y/hs = your home state
Y/s/n = your siblings name
Requested: No❤️

You and Grayson had been dating for a while, 1 year and a 1/2 to be exact, but this was your second Christmas apart and you had an idea. You pull Grayson into your filming room because this was a surprise to him too. You sat him in the chair next to your and turned on the camera. You quickly sat down in your chair and did your intro. "Hey, guys! I hope you're having a fantastic day if not there's always tomorrow. Anyway, if you have been subscribed to me or the Dolan twins then you would know me and Grayson have been dating for about a year and a half. And this is gonna be our second Christmas apart because he's going back to New Jersey and I'm going back to y/hs (if your from New Jersey pick a different state) so we can be with our family on Christmas. But, I have a great idea! It's currently, November 28th and we both have 5 days to pick out 12 gifts because we're doing the 12 days of Christmas!" You said

"Only 5 days?!" Gray asked

"Well, I'm leaving for y/hs on December 3rd so..." you dragged on because Grayson didn't know exactly when you were leaving

"Noooooo! You can't leave me so soon!" Grayson groaned

"I'm sorry, but I already booked the flight. Anyway, you have to at least write a note as of why you picked the gift for two out of twelve of the gifts. You know how the song goes
'Five gold rings, four calling birds, three French hens
Two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree' yeah you only have to buy 1 thing of the gift no duplicates. For example, on day two you would only get one gift instead of three. Any questions?" You asked looking at Grayson

"No, I think I got it." He said

"Great, so gift shopping starts now and make sure you wrap them because we have to mail them. And I'm not gonna fly with them because that would be a shit ton of money. Can we film the outtro while we're here?" You asked

"Yeah, sure." He answered

"Alright guys that is it for this weeks video I hope you enjoyed it! We don't actually know what we got because we filmed this before the gifts so...I hope they're good. Anyway, that's it I love you all and I'll see you next video! Bye!" You said blowing a kiss to the camera. You stood up and turned off the camera and set it back down.

"Is this why you dragged me over her at" gray looked at his watch "9:00 am?"

"Yep, but also because I love you and I wanted to cuddle." You said and he immediately stood up.

"What are we waiting for then?" He said and picked you up running to you room, you laughing at your crazy boyfriend the whole way there.


It was 5 days later and yesterday you mailed you gifts to Graysons house. Of course, you called Lisa to tell her about the packages and your video. she thought it was cute and said she would put the gifts in grays room and you of course thanked her. You labeled the gifts for each day and told gray to do the same before he mailed them. Now, you were laying in bed with gray clinging onto because he didn't want you to leave. He had is arms wrapped around your waist and his head in the crook of your neck while you ran your hands through his hair. "Baby?" You asked and he hummed in response because he was tired since it was 3 am and your flight was at 4. "We got to go if I want to make my plane."

"What time does your flight leave again?" He asked

"4, but it's gonna take 30 minutes to get there and about 25 minutes to get through security and everything." You said

"So that gives us 5 more minutes to cuddle." He said

"Gray, I still have to get dressed and put my suitcase in the car." You said and he sat up. You got up and got changed into your comfy clothes.

You took walked out of the bathroom after brushing your teeth and saw Grayson sitting on the end of your bed on his phone

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You took walked out of the bathroom after brushing your teeth and saw Grayson sitting on the end of your bed on his phone. You walked over to him and sat down next to him laying your head on his shoulder. "You ready?" He asked and you nodded. You both stood up, you picked up your backpack and slung it over your shoulder, but when you went to grab your suitcase gray beat you to it. You smiled at him and you both hopped in the car. The whole way to the airport you both were singing songs at the top of your lungs not a care in the world. About 30 minutes later gray pulled up to the airport and helped you get your bags out. When he put your suitcase on the ground he hugged you and you did the same.

"I'll see you soon babe, ok?" You said

"I love you." He told you

"I love you too." You gave him a quick peck on the lips and headed into the airport


It was now Christmas and you had opened 11 presents. Most of them were stuff to help you edit and shoot your videos, but you also got your favorite lip gloss, a new phone case with photos of you and gray, you and your family, you, Ethan and gray or just gray, and a bunch of other stuff. You woke up did your normal routine and because you knew you were the only morning person, other than your mom, you decided to wake up everyone because after being on your phone for about 30 mins you got bored. You got up and walked over to your brother/sisters room to wake them up. You grabbed the pillow next to them and started to hit them with it until they woke up. "Get up its Christmas, y/s/n!"

"Ok, ok, ok! I'm up! I'm up!" Y/s/n said

"Be downstairs in 5. If you're not I'm taking your gifts." You said walking out of his room. Once you made it downstairs you saw your mom and dad in the kitchen

"Finally. We were wondering when you would wake up." Your mom sighed

"Y/s/n will be down soon I just woke him up. Now, I'm gonna go organize the presents and I'll meet you in the living room in 5." You said walking off to put everyone's presents in the right place


Everyone had finished opening their gifts and cleaned up everything. You brought your stuff upstairs and set it on the desk in the corner of your room. Now it was time to open the last gift from Grayson. So, you turned on your camera sat on you bed and grabbed the last box. "Day 12, a.k.a the last day. I'm kinda nervous, ok, ok, ok, I got this. Ahh, why am nervous? Here we go!" You said as you opened the box and inside was a piece of paper. "'Your last gift is under the tree.' Unless my parents hid this from me it's not under there because I'm positive I didn't miss one. But let's go check this out." You said and picked up the camera. You walked downstairs and into the living room to see Lisa, Cameron, and Ethan sitting on your couch. Then you turned your head toward the tree to see Grayson standing there halfway wrapped with wrapping paper. You started laughing causing him to laugh too. You set down the camera so both of you were in frame and walked over to him. You started to unwrap him and when you were done you noticed his hands were behind his back. A confused look crossed your face until he got down on one knee, you covered your hands with your mouth and tried to keep the tears at bay, but failed immediately.

He pulled out a tiny black box and said his speech "look, I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us is gonna wanna get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you're the only one for me. So, y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n will you marry me?"
(A/n: Yes I got this off of google I'm not very good at this type of thing, but just take it and hush)

You were frozen in shock, all you could do was rapidly nod your head yes. He smiled, stood up, hugged you tightly as cheers erupted from everyone else in the room. He kissed you as he slid the ring on your finger. "I love you." You said

"I love you more." He said back to you

"I love you the most."

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