Vegeta, despite his Super Saiyan strength, couldn't match Hela's otherworldly power and was defeated in a fierce clash.

Hyperion's mighty punches seemed to have no effect on Hela, as she effortlessly deflected them with her dark energy.

Even Captain Marvel, with her cosmic energy, couldn't withstand Hela's onslaught.

As Hela defeated each hero, their hope began to fade. It seemed as though all was lost.

Vegeta stood barely holding onto life, "You Saiyans...never know when to quit." She says

"A saiyan dies brutally before he quits." Vegeta says

Hela scowls, "As you wish." She says

Vegeta ascends to super saiyan, As the intense battle between the two unfolded, Hela's dark magic clashed against Vegeta's Saiyan power.

Hela, with her immense strength and control over death, unleashed a barrage of attacks, trying to overwhelm Vegeta.

But Vegeta, fueled by his Saiyan pride and determination, refused to back down.

As the battle raged on, Vegeta tapped into his inner power, pushing himself to new limits.

With a surge of energy, his aura transformed into the legendary Super Saiyan 2 form.

With his newfound power, Vegeta's speed and strength skyrocketed.

He unleashed a flurry of devastating attacks, each strike resonating with the power of a true warrior.

Hela, taken aback by Vegeta's sudden transformation, struggled to keep up with his lightning-fast movements.

"FINAL FLASH!!!!!!!!" Vegeta screams

Hela's eyes widen as she quickly blocks the attack, but vegeta kicks her back

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Hela's eyes widen as she quickly blocks the attack, but vegeta kicks her back.

However, despite Vegeta's incredible power, Hela's mastery over death proved to be too strong.

She cunningly used her dark magic to counter Vegeta's attacks, leaving him vulnerable and exhausted.

With a swift and precise strike, Hela incapacitated Vegeta, bringing him to his knees.

As Vegeta lay defeated, Hela stood triumphant, her dark powers overwhelming his Saiyan strength, "It's over prince..." she says stepping on his ribs causing him to shout out in pain

"When will you all see Resistance is futile!!" She screams

"HEY!" Masaru shouts lunging ahead and kicking her far back

Masaru lands on his feet and tries to move vegeta who chuckles and falls unconscious, Masaru sighs and sees cat standing up with the staff glowing intensely.

"Why do you continue to fight Masaru? Fighting me? Me?! Bahahaha!!!" She screams

"She's right...even with all our power combined we can't beat her..." cat says

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