7-9: Arrival

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As the battle raged on, the clash of powers and the intensity of the fight shook the very foundations of the realms.

As the battle raged on, the clash of powers and the intensity of the fight shook the very foundations of the realms.

Black Cat, with the staff of Yggdrasil in her hands, tapped into its ancient energy, infusing her strikes with otherworldly power and granting her an unmatched agility that allowed her to dance around her opponents.

Vegeta, the proud Saiyan warrior, tapped into his Super Saiyan powers, his energy crackling with electrifying intensity.

With each punch and blast, he pushed his limits, unleashing devastating attacks that rocked the battlefield.

Hyperion soared through the skies, his strength rivaling that of the gods themselves.

His power was a sight to behold as he unleashed a barrage of punches and unleashed powerful energy beams, causing shockwaves with each strike.

Captain Marvel, tapping into the cosmic energy within her, became a blazing beacon of power.

Her fists became like comets, her every move leaving trails of stardust as she unleashed her signature photon blasts, illuminating the battlefield with their brilliance.

Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha, the skilled martial artists, fought with unwavering determination and impeccable technique.

Their punches and kicks were precise, each strike landing with calculated force, proving that even without superhuman abilities, their skill and discipline made them formidable opponents.

Master Roshi, the wise and experienced martial arts master, joined the fray, adding his own unique flair to the battle.

With a combination of cunning strategy and explosive techniques, he unleashed devastating attacks that caught Hela off guard.

Bulma, the brilliant mind behind the heroes' technology, provided invaluable support, equipping them with advanced gadgets and weapons.

Her inventions and upgrades gave the heroes an edge, allowing them to adapt to the ever-changing battlefield.

The Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, fought alongside their allies, each member bringing their own set of skills and powers to the fray.

Iron Man's repulsor blasts lit up the battlefield, while Thor's lightning crackled through the air, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Dr. Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, weaved spells and incantations, manipulating the very fabric of reality to aid his allies and confound their foes.

With each gesture and mystical incantation, he created shields, and hexes, as the battle continued, Hela's powers seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.

She unleashed a devastating wave of dark energy, causing the ground to shake and crack beneath our heroes' feet. It was a true test of their strength and teamwork.

But our heroes didn't back down. Black Cat, with her incredible agility, dodged Hela's attacks with finesse, while Vegeta's Super Saiyan powers allowed him to match her strength blow for blow.

Hyperion's mighty punches and Captain Marvel's cosmic energy blasts kept Hela on her toes.

With each passing minute, the battle grew more intense. The clash of powers and the determination of our heroes filled the air. It was a sight to behold, a true spectacle of strength and courage.

But it was all in vain...

She used her dark magic to trap Black Cat in a web of shadows, rendering her unable to move.

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