3-8: Lizardo III

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Masaru and Gwen are seen in bed, NANANANANANANANANNAAKED obviously finished some love making, While catching her breath Gwen gets out some strained words, "So...why...were you and- and Peter at Oscorp?" She asks

"He said he was trying to talk to conners about his father, and maybe try to help him with the whole regeneration thing." Masaru says

"Makes sense I guess, just look I want you two to not get in the way of my job." Gwen says

"We won't, or I won't I dunno about Peter." Masaru says

Gwen sighs, "I'm Gonna lose my job." She says to herself.

"So?" Masaru asks

"Let's go." She says

They cue round two if you get what I mean wink wink nudge nudge.

Meanwhile, Peter meets up with conners again.

"Dr. Connors. You don't remember me. I..." Peter starts.

"The intern from the other day." Conners says

"Yeah, yeah. That's right, yeah." Peter says

"I'm sure you're very nice, but this is a home. I ask you to make an appointment with my office." Conners says going to close the door.

"I'm Richard Parker's son." Peter calls out stopping conners from closing the door.

Conners looks at Peter surprised, "Peter?" Conners asks, "I'm afraid I can't help you much. I don't know why they left or where they... were going."

He drops a cup but Peter catches it.

"Good reflexes." Conners says

"Thank you. Thank you. I read your book. Yeah.
It's something, you know. So you really think...
it's possible, cross-species genetics?" Peter asks

"Yes, of course. Your father and I were mocked for our theories. Not just in the community at large but at Oscorp, as well. They called us mad scientists." Conners says, "And then your father bred the spiders... and everything changed. The results were beyond encouraging. They were spectacular. We were gonna change the lives of millions. Including my own. Then it was over. He was gone. Took his research with him. And I knew without him, I...l...I was angry." Conners looks down and then back at Peter, "So I stayed away from you... and your family. And for that, I'm truly sorry."

"Say...Say it worked. Say you got it to work.
Like, how much would the foreign species take over? What could the side effects be?" Peter asks

"It's hard to say, considering no subject survived.
The problem was always..." conners begins.

"The decay rate algorithm?" Peter cuts in.

"Right. Right." Conners says

Peter gets up and sees a pad.

"Can I...?" Peter asks

"Of course." Conners says

In his father's documents, Peter finds an algorithm and gives it to Connors. This was the missing key to his serum.

"Extraordinary. How did you come up with this?" Conners asks Peter motioning to his head, "Peter, how about coming to see me at the Tower...one day after school?"

"Yeah." Peter says, "Thank you."

At The Lab...One Day After School Conners shows Peter around.

"We have protein structure, RDNA... chromatography, transgenics testing... that's X-ray video. That's the only one on the planet. We have...Human line testing over..." conners begins.

"I remember that." Peter cuts in, "I've seen that before." Peter points to the Ganali device.

"The Ganali device." Conners says

"Yeah, I remember a picture of that in my dad's office." Peter says

"The idea was so simple. You load it with an antigen. It creates a cloud which can be dispersed...over a neighbourhood, even an entire city. Theoretically, you could cure polio in an afternoon." Connor's explains.

"That's incredible." Peter says

"Well, others disagreed. What if the device were loaded with a toxin? What if you wanted to opt out? You can't... run away from a cloud after all, so here it lies, gathering dust." Connor's continues.

Ok...a hologram of a lizard is shown infront of them illuminated by a blue light.

"What you see here is a computer model of a lizard. Many of these wonderful creatures have so brilliantly adapted... that they can regenerate entire limbs at will. You can imagine my envy. We're trying to harness this capability... and transfer it into our host subject: Freddy the three-legged mouse. Enter the algorithm now." Connor's says

Peter does so.

"System ready...for gene insertion." AI says

"Okay." Peter says dragging over a hologram button, "Check." Connor's takes it, "See what I'm trying to do?"

"Preempt the proteins." Connor's says

"The immune response." Peter says

"Beginning trials. Pending. Pending. Failed. Subject deceased." AI says

"Come on, come on, come on." Peter says under his breath.

"Pending. Failed. Pending. Failed. Subject deceased. Pending. Peptide algorithm accepted.
Regrowth complete." AI says

"Hey." Peter says

"Vitals normal." AI says, "Blood pressure normal.
Limb regeneration successful."

"Extraordinary. And thank you." Connor's says.

Peter and Connor's hold two rats with only 3 and half extendables.

"Meet Fred and Wilma... our three-legged mice." Connor's explained, "Here you go." He hands the mouse to Peter.

"Hey. Buddy, I got you." Peter says holding Fred.

"Okay." Connor's says grabbing the serum and aiming it at Fred's neck, "Careful, don't want to stick you by mistake. Human trials aren't until next week." He sticks it into Fred AYO. "There."

The two nerds smile as Peter puts down Fred.

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