5-11: Super 13

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Parts of 14 and 15 separate from their remains and fly up to 13, being absorbed into his body one by one.

Captain Marvel: I feel like we should be stopping this...

Cut to Android 13 as more parts are assimilated.

Android 13 slowly starts to buff up, starting with his arms.

Hawkeye: He's 'roiding out!

Zola: (offscreen as 13 transforms, his legs buffing up as his boot straps snap off) Excellent. (13's skin turns blue, his hair turns orange and spiky, and his irises disappear as his eyes turn yellow) Android 13 has reached his ultimate final pinnacle form! (His vest rips off as his chest expands while he screams) Unstoppable! Blue! And completely taciturn. (He then glares at our heroes with a murderous intent. Android 13 has become Super Android 13) PERFECT...

Masaru: Tony, he stole your 'tech!

Iron Man: I'll kill him! (charges at Super Android 13 and punches him in the chest. It's not very effective. The blue 'roid grabs Iron Man by the arms) Oh no...

Super Android 13 flies down to the ground as Iron Man screams.

Thor: (flies towards Super Android 13, ready to hammer him) I got you! (gets blasted away by Super Android 13) Ohgod!

He crashes into a glacier wall. Iron Man laughs histerically as Thor falls to the ground, until Super Android 13 slams him into the ground; the android then gets up and reaches his palm to Iron Man.

Iron Man: (laughs weakly) ...Idiot. (gets blasted away towards Hawkeye and Black Widow) Someone stupid get in my way!

Hawkeye: What the--

Iron Man crashes into Hawkeye.

Captain Marvel repeatedly punches and kicks Super Android 13 to no avail. She ultimately gets blasted away by Super Android 13.

Captain Marvel: Oh, shit, motherFUCKA!!!

Masaru: My turn!

He becomes Super Saiyan and charges at Super Android 13 and repeatedly punches him, and kneeing him once, also to no avail.

Zola: Weakness... identified!

Super Android 13 grins as he grabs Masaru's leg and reels his fist back...

Masaru: Hey, what are you--

He gets a huge punch in the dick and screams.

The scene slows as it whites out, Spider-Gwen reels back a little.

Spider-Gwen: Why does it feel like my favorite thing was just broken?

Back to the present as after punching Masaru in the dick, Super Android 13 chucks him down a crevice as he screams weakly and high-pitched as he crashes into the ground.

Masaru: (high-pitched) He punched me in the dick... Why...? Why did he punch me in the dick...?

Masaru gets up to find Super Android 13 standing in front of him.

Masaru: (weakly) N-Now, I know what you're think-- (gets blasted back by the Android, then repeatedly punched and kicked as he's sent flying until he's punched into the ground again. He gets up again) And the answer... may surpri--

13 prepares a T.H. Death Bomb.

Masaru: (thinking) Oh man...

Masaru gets sent flying out of the glacier.

Masaru: Wheeee-- (falls into the water)

Black Widow: Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size? (13 turns to her) Uh... Well, clearly not me...

Cut to Masaru who's upside-down underwater.

Masaru: (thinking) Well... if you can't beat 'em... (raises his hands up) ...bomb 'em.

Cut to Super Android 13 walking towards Black Widow as he backs away.

Black Widow: Uh-maybe one of those Battleball players? I mean not that I watch sports, I have better things to do in my life. Ha-ha... I feel like this is a one-sided conversation...

(13 growls, and Masaru rises from the ocean with his hands stretched out. Black Widow notices and looks behind 13.)

Zola: (telepathically) 13, if you'd kindly turn around... (13 does so) ...and eliminate Masaru.

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