2-8: SvN/J

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A tense standoff ensued as Spider-Man attempted to prove himself, showcasing his acrobatic skills and his unwavering dedication to protecting innocent lives.

As the battle unfolded, Spider-Man's agility and web-slinging prowess matched Nightcrawler's teleportation abilities and Jubilee's explosive energy blasts.

Each combatant demonstrated their unique powers and strategies, creating a dazzling display of acrobatics and quick reflexes.

As the fight wore on, Spider-Man's quips and light-hearted nature began to break through the mind compulsion. Just before they eased up rogue kicked Spider-Man across the ground.

Spider-Man, ever hopeful for a peaceful resolution, approached Rogue cautiously, attempting to reason with her.

He explained that he was there to help and understood the struggles she faced as a mutant. But Rogue, haunted by her past and mistrustful of outsiders, was reluctant to listen.

She believed that absorbing Spider-Man's powers would grant her the strength to protect herself and others.

With a solemn nod, Spider-Man understood that words alone might not sway Rogue. He braced himself for the ensuing battle, knowing that his agility and quick thinking would be key.

As Rogue lunged forward, Spider-Man skillfully dodged her attacks, using his acrobatics and web-slinging abilities to stay one step ahead.

Their battle intensified, each move calculated and precise. Spider-Man's spider-sense allowed him to anticipate Rogue's strikes, evading her grasp and exploiting her moments of vulnerability.

He knew that one touch from her would mean temporarily losing his powers and memories, a risk he couldn't afford to take.

As the fight wore on, Spider-Man's determination and resilience began to shine through. He refused to let Rogue's powers define the outcome of their clash.

Drawing upon his experience and resourcefulness, he utilized his environment to gain the upper hand, webbing Rogue's hands and feet, restricting her movements.

Rogue, caught off guard by Spider-Man's unwavering resolve, found herself at a disadvantage.

She struggled against the webbing, her powers of absorption rendered useless. Exhausted and realizing the futility of the situation, Rogue reluctantly admitted defeat.

"Rogue we just want to help you guys why couldn't you see that!!" Spider-Man shouts angrily.

Nightcrawler and Jubilee launched into an attack, believing Spider-Man to be a threat. Nightcrawler's teleportation abilities and Jubilee's explosive energy blasts made them formidable opponents, but Spider-Man's years of experience and quick reflexes allowed him to anticipate their moves.

Using his acrobatic skills and web-slinging prowess, Spider-Man expertly dodged Nightcrawler's teleportation strikes and Jubilee's energy blasts.

He fought with agility and precision, landing well-placed punches and kicks on his adversaries. Despite their combined efforts, Nightcrawler and Jubilee struggled to keep up with Spider-Man's speed and agility.

As the battle raged on, Spider-Man's unwavering determination and clever tactics began to wear down his opponents. He utilized his surroundings, using the warehouse's structure to his advantage.

With a combination of precision web shots and well-timed dodges, Spider-Man managed to subdue Nightcrawler and Jubilee, leaving them temporarily incapacitated.

With Nightcrawler and Jubilee restrained, Spider-Man took a moment to breath.

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