6-7: Ultron Vs The Avengers

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The Avengers, along with Captain Marvel, find themselves facing an incredibly powerful enemy known as Golden Ultron.

This upgraded version of Ultron has become even more formidable, with enhanced strength, intelligence, and an army of robotic minions at his command.

The Avengers assemble, ready to take on this new threat.

Iron Man analyzes Golden Ultron's abilities and weaknesses, devising a strategy for the team.

Thor summons his lightning, charging his hammer Mjolnir for a mighty strike. Hulk prepares to unleash his incredible strength, ready to smash anything in his way.

Captain Marvel, with her cosmic powers, radiates energy as she prepares to engage Golden Ultron head-on.

Her determination and unwavering resolve inspire the rest of the team.

Black Widow and Hawkeye use their exceptional skills to navigate the battlefield, providing cover and taking out Ultron's robotic minions.

Scarlet Witch taps into her reality-altering powers, attempting to disrupt Golden Ultron's control over his robotic army.

However, they soon realize that Golden Ultron is more powerful and cunning than they anticipated. Despite their best efforts, the Avengers find themselves outmatched and overwhelmed by Golden Ultron's relentless assault.

As the battle rages on, the Avengers fight valiantly, but Golden Ultron's strength proves to be too much.

One by one, the Avengers fall, their powers and determination no match for the overwhelming force of Golden Ultron.

Even Captain Marvel, with her cosmic might, struggles to keep up with the relentless onslaught.

In a moment of desperation, the Avengers realize that they need to regroup and come up with a new plan.

They retreat, battered but not defeated, to strategize and find a way to overcome Golden Ultron's power.

But Ultron closes in on where the avengers are, he looks around. And then he tanks a punch from the hulk and looks at the Goliath.

Hulk pummels the Robot who stand still completely unaffected. Ultron activates a purple forcefield that sends hulk away.

Thor throws his hammer, Ultron bats it away. Black Widow tases him with her batons.

He swats her to the side, arrows stick in his back but he flexes them out and releases a mouth beam sending Hawkeye away.

Iron Man flies out and the two engage in a beam struggle, Hulk grabs him and holds him down, Thor retrieves his hammer and chokeholds the robot, Hawkeye and Black widow throw ropes around the bot, Captain Marvel glows holding down Ultron and beginning to absorb his energy.

The Team are actually holding down the all powerful robot, "Insolent Pests." Gold Ultron says as his force field sends everyone flying hard away.

He then overpowered Tony sending him to the ground, Ultron flies over to Tony and steps on his chest making a foot print form.

Ultron steps harder to make him go deeper in the ground.

"Sir He Appears To Be Crushing Us."

"Thanks for the input Jarvis!" Tony shouts blasting the robot in the face staggering it back

He then uses his jet hands and boots to fly back and get to his feet.

Tony suits up in the Mark C, feeling the familiar surge of power coursing through his veins as the armor envelops him.

The suit's sleek design and advanced nanotechnology make him feel invincible.

Equipped with repulsor beams, missile launchers, and an array of other cutting-edge weaponry, Tony is ready to take on Golden Ultron.

The battle begins with Iron Man soaring through the sky, his repulsor blasts lighting up the night.

Golden Ultron retaliates with a barrage of energy blasts, testing the durability of the Mark C armor.

Tony maneuvers with precision, evading each attack while launching countermeasures of his own.

The fight intensifies as Iron Man and Golden Ultron exchange blow after blow. The Mark C armor showcases its versatility, adapting to the situation with its shape-shifting capabilities.

Tony's suit morphs into various forms, allowing him to deliver devastating punches, unleash powerful energy blasts, and even create defensive shields to protect himself.

However, despite Iron Man's best efforts, Golden Ultron proves to be a formidable opponent.

Its advanced AI algorithms anticipate Tony's moves, countering with lightning-fast reflexes and strategic attacks.

The battle takes a toll on Iron Man, with each hit weakening the Mark C armor's energy reserves.

As the fight continues, Tony realizes that defeating Golden Ultron won't be as easy as he initially thought.

The relentless onslaught of attacks pushes the Mark C armor to its limits. The suit's energy levels begin to dwindle, and Tony's strength wanes as fatigue sets in.

In a final, desperate attempt to turn the tide, Iron Man unleashes his most powerful attack.

The Mark C armor charges up with an immense surge of energy, gathering all its remaining power for one final strike.

With a blinding burst of light, Iron Man unleashes a devastating energy beam towards Golden Ultron.

The impact is tremendous, causing a massive explosion that engulfs the battlefield.

For a moment, it seems like victory is within Iron Man's grasp.

But alas, as the smoke clears, Tony realizes that Golden Ultron has survived the attack. The resilient villain emerges, seemingly unfazed by the devastating blow.

Tony's heart sinks as he witnesses the Mark C armor's energy reserves reaching critical levels.

Knowing that he can't sustain the fight much longer, Iron Man must make a difficult decision.

He activates the suit's emergency escape protocol, disengaging from the battle and retreating to a safe distance.

Golden Ultron, now victorious, stands triumphantly amidst the wreckage.

Tony, battered and bruised, watches from a distance as Golden Ultron's presence looms over the city.

Ultron finds Tony and grabs him by the throat choking the billionaire. Tony gags as he tries to escape, "This is how it ends Stark." Ultron says as we pan across the beaten avengers, "Everything you built, Everyone you inspired will all Die. None can stop me."

"A lot of people say that but they always forget one thing." Tony says through the choking

"What would that be?" Ultron asks

"We have a Masaru." Tony says

Ultron is confused as a ray of blue energy sends him hard through the ground, ultrons face is exposed but it heals.

He stands up seeing the three Saiyans.

"Time to get unplugged you walking IPhone." Masaru says angrily

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