4-9: 1v1 I

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"So your the being that everyone has been so scared of?" Masaru asks

"I could say the same to you." Annihilus says, "Shame that now you have to die!"

The two exchange blows, flying higher into the sky before they grasp each other's wrists and strike one another with a headbutt, Masaru simultaneously powering up into his Super Saiyan form.

Almost immediately afterwards, Masaru takes a hold of Annihilus, tossing him a great distance before summoning his Spirit Sword and slashing multiple beams of golden energy at his foe.

However, Annihilus quickly breaks the beam and fires a Beam as retaliation, to which Masaru dodges and lunges towards Annihilus in an attempt to strike, only for the two to chase one another around The Towers neck briefly.

Masaru tries to cut at Annihilus, but he avoids it by using his power to teleport a distance away.

Annihilus forms orbs in his hands, throwing one at his foe, which is knocked away by Masaru's free hand.

He closes the gap and clashes with Annihilus's other orb with the Spirit Sword.

As the two clash, Annihilus smirks and recalls the previously blown orb back, which Masaru notices and barely blocks, sending the two careening into the distance.

After a temporary silence, a great wave of yellow Ki energy forms, colliding with the significantly smaller green wave.

Masaru, now in his Super Saiyan Grade 2 form takes the time to compliment his foe's skill.

"Not bad." Masaru says

Annihilus corkscrews towards his foe, raising his fist and causing him to flinch, only to open his palm and attack with a massive blast.

However, it's quickly shown to have not affected Masaru, who emerges from the blast with a punch, bringing the two to attack and dodge one another at blindingly swift speeds until they both trade a simultaneous punch to the face, which sends them back to the floor of the palace.

Both beings begin to channel their energy, gathering ki to form their respective greatest attacks.

Annihilus forms a powerful wave of purple energy, While Masaru does this, "Finaaaal....FLASHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

The impact from the colliding blasts causes the tower to shatter. Both aliens are soon seen flying through Snake Way.

After exchanging a couple more blows, Masaru grabs a hold of Annihilus's wings.

He spins him around a couple of times and tosses him out, causing Annihilus to growl and finally power up into his whatever the hell this is form.

Flipping into the sky, Annihilus garners a great deal of energy, blasting Masaru with a powerful wave of power, though similar to before, he powers through the attack and strikes his attacker with a Savage Strike that causes a crack in their reality

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Flipping into the sky, Annihilus garners a great deal of energy, blasting Masaru with a powerful wave of power, though similar to before, he powers through the attack and strikes his attacker with a Savage Strike that causes a crack in their reality.

The avengers below are bewildered at the sight as they fight off bugs, Peter and Gwen stumble out in their half broken suits.

"Masaru's Got this let's make sure these guys don't get in his way." Peter says

Cap nods as the heroes then charge ahead to deal with the attackers.

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