2-2: Differences

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Welcome To The Start Of The Avengers vs X-Men Arc.

Masaru is asleep in a med bed, Tony walks to the team, "He's fine the transformation messed up his head a little but he's ok." Tony says

"Well it's obvious you guys Can't control it..." cyclops says

"Hey! That's my son and he as a name asshole!!!" Captain Marvel shouts

"Despite that he nearly killed everyone in this room!" Cyclops shouts

"Perhaps Masaru should stay with us for a couple of days..." Xavier says trying to ease the tension.

"What No your not taking my son!" Marvel shouts

"Carol he cannot control his beastly state he's uncontrolled." Storm says

"Go to hell all of you don't come near my son..." Captain Marvel says

"Carol please don't make this harder then it has to." Jean says walking over to Masaru and beginning to pick him up.

Carol out of anger fizzles her fist into energy and punches Jean through the walls.

"Who else!!!!" Carol shouts

"Fine...if that's how it's gonna be." Cyclops says

The X-Men leave as the avengers look down then at the root of it all: Masaru.

Who wakes up shortly after, "God my head hurts *notices the wall* What happened to the wall? Bruce?!" Masaru shouts

"Wasn't me." Bruce says

"Uhh Masaru I have to talk to you..." Carol says

On a Skyscraper Masaru and Carol sit next to each other with food.

"The X-Men want me?" Masaru asks

"You went berserk in your great ape form they say that you need to be controlled, contained like a beast or something." Carol says

"Hm...I'm assuming I Can't go back to school?" Masaru asks

"Not until this whole thing blows over...I'm sorry...I'm so *breaks out into tears* sorry son." Carol says

He hugs her as they look at the sunset, later that same day Masaru is on a call with Peter via his wrist watch thing which we'll just call his band. Peter hangs upside down while talking to him.

"The X-Men are after you!" Peter shouts

"Apparently..." Masaru says

"Lucky I'd be so happy if Storm was after me, the things I'd do..." Peter says

"Earth to Peter not earth to peters boner." Masaru says

"Shut up, wait if they're after you...why are you outside?" Peter asks

"I'm going to McDonald's I'm hungry as hell and hulk ate all the food." Masaru says

"Why didn't you use your band to make more food appear." Peter asks

"HE ATE THAT SHIT TO!" Masaru shouts, "Besides the X-Men are superheroes not like they'd b-" Masaru starts before fainting immediately.

"Masaru...Masaru!!!" Peter shouts

The X-Men outcome and grab Masaru but they aren't alone with them are as well the brotherhood of evil.

"Thank you for coming Erik we didn't know what to do if Me, Jean and Emma couldn't bring him down mentally." Xavier says

"Of course brother, so this is the most powerful being on the planet." Magneto says

Not yet.

"Yes brother, he's even beaten the hulk." Xavier says

"Heh...the things I'd do with him." Magneto says

"Take him to the cell!" Xavier shouts as the X-men cuff him and take him away alongside the BHOE

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