1-4:Masaru's Life After Amnesia

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The baby is seen still unconscious as the entire team stand around him. Tony walks over.

"Will he be ok Tony?" Steve asks

"He's fine but that bump on his head caused some amnesia. Kid can't remember jackshit beyond when he met Carol." Tony says

"Damn but he's going to live right?" Sue asks

"Yes." Tony says

Everyone takes a sigh of relief.

"So uhhh...who's gonna tell Carol?" Johnny asks

Everyone's eyes widen.

"Not it!" Everyone shouts except for Bruce.

"Not...Oh shit!" Bruce shouts

The base shakes.

"She's here. Good luck Bruce." Thor says

Everyone makes room as Bruce desperately tries to wake up the baby. He attains PTSD.

"WAKE UP KID PLEASE!" Bruce shouts

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"WAKE UP KID PLEASE!" Bruce shouts

Carol enters the room and everyone goes silent and Bruce backs away from the kid.

"Why's everyone in medbay? And why is Masaru in one of the healing tanks?" Carol asks

"Uhhh...so funny story that...BRUCE HAS TO TELL YOU!" Thor shouts

Bruce glares at Thor.

"What's the funny story Bruce? Why is my son in a healing tank?" She asks

"Your gonna laugh at this...ya see...your son is quite slippery. So while Nat was feeding him he slipped away from her kicked all of our asses and such. But when we all tried to stop him from falling he sort of well...hit his head." Bruce says

Carol is frozen.

"You...what?" She asks


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Carol growls as her aura blazes up.

"Y-YOUR KIDS AN AGILE ONE!" Bruce shouts backing up from the closing in

"Y-YOUR KIDS AN AGILE ONE!" Bruce shouts backing up from the closing in

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This blows everyone away. She calms down as she closes in on the baby who's still unconscious. She touched his cheek as the baby turns around. It smiles at her as it coos with happiness.

Carols aura disappears as she picks up her son. "It happens again I'll kill all of you." Carol says walking away with her son in hand.

The heroes take a breath of relief. Carol holds Masaru while walking through pillars we zoom in on Masaru's face. On the last pillar we see Masaru a few years older and now running.

 On the last pillar we see Masaru a few years older and now running

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He smiles as he enters the kitchen. He backflips over the table and lands infront of Hawkeye. "Morning to you to kid." Hawkeye says

"I slept like a baby last night." Masaru says

"Well that bed costs $45,000 so you better." Tony says as he flips a page.

"So what's on the agenda?" Widow asks

"No clue I'm kinda bored actually." Masaru says

"Well I have actually been working on something." Tony says

"On what?" Masaru asks

"A trans-dimensional transporter I made it Incase we need to do some off world missions. Wanna try it hulk logan and Thor said no." Tony says

"I'm down." Masaru says

Tony and Masaru enter the transporter.

"Ok I'll send you to a different earth and then back ok?" Tony asks

"Gotcha." Masaru says standing on the pad

Tony types on a display. "Ok sending you in 3...2...1..." Tony says pressing a button. Nothing happens "The hell?" He presses it again and again.

"Is something wrong Tony?" Masaru asks

Just then the entire area Masaru is in shakes.

"Is that good?" Masaru asks

"No it's not Masaru get out of there now!" Tony shouts

Masaru runs over to the door but the entire area glows yellow as he shouts in pain. He's then transported to a whole different world.

Masaru falls through the air of this new earth he then lands. He groans in pain as he looks up and around he as well stands up.

He immediately vomits due to the smell. "Where am I?" Masaru asks

Masaru has been transported to the horrible world of Marvel: Ruins.

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