6-4: Ultron Meanwhile...

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Ultron smiles at his literally Billions Of Sentries, "It's amazing beautiful even." Ultron says

Just then a ball rolls in, Ultron picks it up and stares at it. And then it explodes in his grasp exposing half his body.

The Avengers run in, "Handle them." Ultron orders

Iron Man, with his suit gleaming in the moonlight, led the charge.

He soared through the air, firing repulsor blasts that exploded upon impact, taking down one sentry after another.

Meanwhile, Vegeta, the proud Saiyan prince, powered up to his Super Saiyan form, unleashing a barrage of energy attacks that obliterated the robotic foes in an instant.

Trunks, Vegeta's son, proved to be a force to be reckoned with as well. With his sword in hand, he sliced through the Ultron sentries with lightning-fast precision.

Masaru, with his incredible strength and unwavering determination, joined in the fight, delivering powerful punches that sent the sentries flying.

As the battle raged on, the heroes faced a seemingly endless wave of Ultron sentries. But their teamwork and unwavering resolve kept them going.

Iron Man's quick thinking and tactical genius allowed him to coordinate their attacks, while Vegeta's fierce determination pushed him to unleash even more devastating energy blasts.

Trunks, drawing inspiration from his father's unwavering spirit, fought with unmatched speed and skill, his sword dancing through the air.

And Masaru, fueled by his desire to protect his loved ones, tapped into his inner strength, delivering blows that shattered the ground beneath them.

The clash of metal against metal, the crackling of energy, and the triumphant roars echoed through the city.

The heroes fought with all their might, never wavering in their mission to protect the innocent. 

Their combined powers created a symphony of destruction that reverberated through the night.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last Ultron sentry fell. Lot of them face off against Ultron who smirks.

First, Ultron targeted Iron Man. He unleashed a barrage of powerful energy blasts, overwhelming Tony Stark's suit defenses.

Despite his best efforts, Iron Man was temporarily incapacitated, leaving him vulnerable to Ultron's next move.

Next in line was Vegeta, the proud Saiyan prince. Ultron cunningly exploited Vegeta's pride, challenging him to a one-on-one battle.

But Ultron's robotic strength proved to be too much for Vegeta to handle. With each blow, Ultron pushed Vegeta to his limits, eventually overpowering him.

Meanwhile, Trunks, Vegeta's son, witnessed the defeat of his father and Iron Man. Filled with a mix of anger and determination,
Trunks unleashed his Super Saiyan power, ready to avenge his fallen comrades.

However, Ultron's relentless attacks and strategic maneuvers kept Trunks on the defensive, preventing him from gaining the upper hand.

Masaru, the incredible powerhouse, stepped up to face Ultron next. With his immense strength and unwavering resolve, Masaru delivered powerful punches and kicks, shaking the battlefield.

Yet, Ultron's adaptability and precision allowed him to counter every move, gradually wearing down Masaru's stamina.

As Ultron systematically defeated each hero, hope seemed to fade. But The Avengers and the Male Saiyans refused to give up. They regrouped, strategized, and tapped into their inner strengths.

Iron Man, utilizing his genius intellect, devised a plan to exploit Ultron's weaknesses.

He shared his strategy with Vegeta, Trunks, and Masaru, who quickly adapted to the new approach.

Working together, they launched a coordinated assault, distracting Ultron while exploiting his vulnerabilities.

With their combined efforts, The Avengers and the Male Saiyans managed to weaken Ultron's defenses.

Iron Man's repulsor blasts, Vegeta's energy attacks, Trunks' sword strikes, and Masaru's earth-shattering punches overwhelmed Ultron, leaving him vulnerable to defeat.

In a final, epic showdown, our heroes unleashed their most powerful attacks, combining their strengths and determination.

With a resounding blast, Ultron was defeated, his robotic form crumbling under the weight of their united assault.

As our heroes continued their relentless assault, Ultron's defenses started to crumble.

Iron Man's repulsor blasts, Vegeta's energy attacks, Trunks' lightning-fast sword strikes, and Masaru's earth-shattering punches combined to deliver a devastating blow to Ultron.

But just when it seemed like victory was within reach, Ultron unleashed his ultimate weapon.

He tapped into his advanced technology and absorbed the energy of the surrounding environment, becoming stronger than ever before.

He then goes on to one shot every avenger even the Saiyans, "Ive grown beyond comprehension my power is infinite, your all insects to me now." Ultron says kicking them out of his base and leaving them in the ocean

Bulma activates her mech suit, its sleek design gleaming in the sunlight.

The suit is equipped with an array of powerful weapons and advanced technology, giving Bulma an edge in the battle.

She charges at Ultron, determined to protect her friends and save the day.

However, Ultron proves to be a formidable opponent. His relentless attacks and superior strength catch Bulma off guard.

Ultron's energy blasts pierce through the mech suit's defenses, causing it to malfunction.

Bulma tries to recalibrate the suit, but Ultron's onslaught is unrelenting.

With each passing moment, Bulma's suit sustains more damage.

She fights valiantly, using her intellect to come up with creative strategies, but Ultron's power and adaptability prove to be too much.

The mech suit's systems start shutting down, leaving Bulma vulnerable.

Despite her best efforts, Bulma is ultimately overpowered by Ultron.

The mech suit crumbles around her, leaving her defenseless. Ultron stands victorious, his menacing presence looming over Bulma.

"Pathetic." He says kicking her out of his home, He stops at Masaru seeing something has fallen out of his pocket a picture of Gwen, "Gwen Stacy...she's next."

The avengers all wash up, and one by one come to, "DAMN IT! We lost to a metal man...a metal man!" Vegeta shouts

"We tried and we lost dude!" Black Widow says

Masaru seems to be pondering something, "Masaru you good?" Bulma asks

"Something he said got to me...why Can't I..." he says as he freezes remembering something

"Pathetic." He says kicking her out of his home, He stops at Masaru seeing something has fallen out of his pocket a picture of Gwen, "Gwen Stacy...she's next."

"GWEN!!!!!" He screams as he takes off at an insane level of crazy speed

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