4-7: Arrival

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Masaru is seen snoozing on the bed inside the HBTC, Meanwhile outside the heroes are fighting for their fucking lives!

Black Bolt lets out a slightly loud sigh that disintegrates a bunch of attackers. Medusa crushes multiple with her hair and then throw their bodies at the others.

Iron Man kills a bug with a repuslor, one grabs him but he kicks its head off and then vaporizes it.

Hulk roars and slams down killing thousands of bugs, he just goes on a massacre crushing and punching multiple bugs.

That is until one stabs him, this injects poison that makes hulk woozy and weak enough for a brute bug to knock him against the ground.

Thor throws his hammer killing the bug so he can help his friend, "Hulk, work it out of you cmon!" Thor shouts

The Wound closes as Hulk begins to recover from the poison, "Hulk is ok."

The mighty Thor and the incredible Hulk thundered into battle. The ground shook beneath their feet as they charged towards the encroaching swarm, their eyes ablaze with determination.

Thor, wielding Mjolnir, summoned crackling bolts of lightning, casting the bugs into brilliant relief as they scattered under the assault.

Meanwhile, the Hulk, his immense green form pulsating with raw power, leaped into the throng, his fists crashing down with earth-shaking force, sending shockwaves through the ranks of the creatures.

The bugs, however, were relentless, their numbers seemingly without end. Thor and Hulk fought back to back, a tempest of hammer blows and primal roars, but for every insect they vanquished, five more seemed to take its place.

In a moment of inspired teamwork, Thor hurled Mjolnir into the heart of the swarm, creating a vortex of swirling winds that drew the bugs into a seething maelstrom.

Seizing the opportunity, the Hulk leaped high into the air and brought his massive fists crashing down, sending a shockwave that shattered the creatures within the cyclone.

As the dust settled, the bug horde lay vanquished, the ground strewn with their shattered remains.

Thor and Hulk, breathing heavily but triumphant, clasped each other's forearms in a gesture of mutual respect.

But then even more swarmed the heroes there was basically no end to them.

The bug creatures, known for their ferocity and ability to multiply rapidly, are causing chaos wherever they go.

Medusa, using her hair as her primary weapon, swiftly maneuvers through the air, lashing out with her hair tendrils to ensnare the bugs one by one.

With her precise control, she traps them in intricate patterns, preventing them from causing further harm.

Meanwhile, Black Bolt, aware of the destructive potential of his voice, focuses his energy to emit powerful shockwaves that disorient and repel the bug creatures.

His voice, capable of shattering mountains, resonates through the city, creating a forceful sonic barrier that keeps the bugs at bay.

As the battle intensifies, Medusa and Black Bolt synchronize their attacks, combining their unique abilities to maximize their impact.

Medusa's hair entwines around the bug creatures, immobilizing them, while Black Bolt unleashes devastating sonic blasts, obliterating the trapped bugs in a spectacular display of power.

But the bugs prove to be resilient, and their numbers seem endless. Realizing the need for a more strategic approach, Medusa and Black Bolt devise a plan.

Medusa uses her hair to create intricate snares and traps, while Black Bolt, with a nod of understanding, emits a low-frequency hum that disrupts the bugs' communication and coordination.

Their teamwork pays off as the bug creatures become disoriented and disorganized.

Medusa takes advantage of the chaos, using her hair to swiftly dismantle their ranks, while Black Bolt's focused sonic waves pulverize the remaining bugs.

But of course they're swarmed in the end.

Inside, Spider-Man uses his web-slinging abilities to create intricate traps, ensnaring the bug creatures one by one.

With each swing and flip, he dodges their attacks, delivering swift and precise kicks, punches, and web strikes.

Spider-Gwen, with her unique spider-powers and her own set of web-shooters, joins the fight.

She gracefully maneuvers through the air, landing powerful kicks and punches, and using her webs to immobilize the bugs.

Her quick reflexes and acrobatic skills make her a formidable ally to Spider-Man.

As the battle rages on, the bug creatures multiply, overwhelming our heroes. But Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen refuse to back down.

They devise a plan to take down the bugs more efficiently. Spider-Man uses his webbing to create a web net, trapping a large group of bugs at once, while Spider-Gwen unleashes a powerful sonic blast from her drumsticks, disorienting and stunning the bugs within range.

With their combined efforts, Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen start gaining the upper hand.

They work in perfect sync, using their spider-powers and quick thinking to outmaneuver and defeat the bug creatures.

Spider-Man swings around, using his webs to trip up the bugs, while Spider-Gwen delivers powerful kicks and punches, knocking them out one by one.

As the battle reaches its climax, Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen find themselves surrounded by the remaining bug creatures.

But they don't falter. With a final burst of energy, Spider-Man unleashes a powerful web strike, sending a shockwave through the bugs, while Spider-Gwen spins and twirls, creating a whirlwind of kicks and punches, clearing the path ahead.

Just then purple energy strikes them both sending them flying, The Lead Being enters, "Pathetic...they send children as protectors."

"Who are you?" Spider-Man asks

The Being comes into view revealing at last:

The Being comes into view revealing at last:

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"I Am Your Doom Boy." Annihilus says

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