PART- 83 (Inner Demons)

Start from the beginning

I was playing with Pinku and Dolly. I had a beautiful pink glittery dressed barbie doll. She was Pinku's girlfriend. I was alone in my room. I was already done with my school homework. And, Mum went downstairs to get my dinner.

Seeing me alone, he entered my room, all drunk. Seeing him, I got angry as usual. I never liked him. I always hated him. He was the home breaker of my parents.

"Leave." I asked him to leave. But he didn't leave. Instead, he came to me, and snatched Pinku and Dolly from my hand and threw them away, on the floor.

I got more angry with him and asked him to leave again. "Get out, from my room." I said, showing the door, pointing my index finger.

But he didn't leave. He stayed. He looked at me in anger, as if he wanted to kill me. Then suddenly his eyes color changes into something darker. Like some demon has possessed him. He looked evil to me.

"Go away." I again told him. He didn't move from his place.

He was looking in my eyes, then his eyes moved down to my lips, then to the neck then to my chest, finally stopped on my breast. At that time I didn't have the big boobs that I have now. But anyone can tell I have something there to hold on in their palm. I used to wear bras already.

"I said, GO." I again said firmly. I don't fear him. I never feared him. After all, I'm the daughter of Suraj Gill. A man of honor. A man whom people fear not fear of.

But that fucker didn't leave. He stayed still for a moment, looking at me like I'm his prey that he wants to devour and he looked like a living Satan to me.

"I said leave my room. Now." He didn't leave. His eyes moved more down to my flat belly and then to my exposed legs. I was wearing a pink t-shirt and kneel length skirts that time.

"You little piece of trash, I never never knew you're this beautiful."  Saying, he pushed in bed, making me lay on my back and pinned my hands over my head. It all happened so fast I could understand anything.

"I'm gonna ruin you so fucking bad. Your asshole Dad wouldn't be able to fix it." Then he tried to kiss me forcefully and started to rub himself against me.

That moment I came into my senses. I understood what he was trying to do with me. Mum already told me and taught me few stuffs about sexual harassment.

As I felt his mouth on me. I moved my face to the other side to save myself and tried to push him away, with my shoulder and kicking my legs to free myself from his tight hold. He was strong. So, it didn't work and I started to cry and call out for help. Calling for Mum.

"Divya aunty. Help?" That time I used to call her aunty. But she didn't come, immediately. She came after sometime. 

"Shut up, you little bitch." As I was screaming so much and moving my legs to get out of his grip, he locked my legs with his and tried to choke me hard, leaving me almost breathless. I guess he was trying to kill me or something.

"Stop!" I tried to say many times when he was busy assaulting me.

It was just about 5-6 minutes thing but it was a fucking nightmare for me. Thank God Mum came in hurry and saved me, pulling that man away from me. Almost dragging him away on the floor.

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