𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆, thankful

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❛ Ain't nothing to thank me for

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Ain't nothing to thank me for.

chapter forty one.

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SCARLETT HAS no clue how long she's been awake. She's kept her eyes closed despite the fact that she regained consciousness a while ago because she'd wanted to avoid anyone speaking to her and asking what happened. From the beeping beside her head, the tube injected into her arm and the fabric wrapped around her shoulder, she can only guess that she's at the hospital. She's forgotten everything back to when Jax left her in the van in Chibs' arms, then she completely mentally blanked out.

"Letty," A low voice speaks, "I know you ain't sleeping, lass," A gentle hand pats the back of her hand, "You can't fake snore for shit."

Scarlett groans, pulling her eyelids open to reach Chibs at one side and Juice and Half-Sack at the other, "Oh, lovely. Just who I wanted to be my first sight," She teases, "Hey, boys."

"Scared the shit outta me, Scarlett," Juice scolds, "Never drove so fucking fast in my life."

She smirks at him, swallowing down the pain that the expression brings due to her swollen bruises, "You're all hot and bothered, Juicey. Were you all worried about me?" She pouts mockingly, causing Chibs and Half-Sack to erupt into laughter.

Juice stumbles slightly as Half-Sack nudges him in the side but his annoyed eyes never peel from her's, "I thought you'd be too close to death to make fun of me."

Scarlett shakes her head, "Never."

"Should've seen him when I made it to the waiting room," Half-Sack speaks up, leaning closer to her, "Rubbed his red eyes sore."

Her eyes shoot wider and she looks at Juice in surprise, "You cried?"

"He did too!" Juice shakes an accusing finger across the bed at Chibs, who stares at the extended finger with an unamused look before he looks down at Scarlett.

"Course I did," His hand falls to brush over the top of her head and move a few crazy curls from her face, "Any right man would shed a tear for a good lass."

Smiling gently, Scarlett looks a him thankfully. She remembers how he held her and spoke soft words into her ear on the way to the hospital. If she'd been left alone in the back of that dark van, who knows where she might've ended up, "Thank you," She whispers and he responds with an understanding nod.

"Scarlett," A curly haired woman gasps before taking slow steps around the bed and her hand slowly raises to cover her wobbly mouth while tears stream down her cheeks, "Oh my god."

𝐃𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐒, jax teller Where stories live. Discover now