𝒔𝒊𝒙, juice

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 ❛ And I ain't fucking Juice

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And I ain't fucking Juice.

chapter six.

•◦ ◦•

                   THE FIRST NIGHT OF THE carnival wasn't just one of annoyance and anger for Scarlett, but it was also one of terror and trauma for Oslow's only daughter who had been dragged a mile into the woods before being raped and punched. She managed to be found and is now laying traumatised in a bed at St Thomas'. The carnival is shut temporarily, ensuring the disgusting act isn't forced on anyone else. Luke had come home the next morning to relay the information to his girlfriend and her best friend before he was being dragged back to the Club.

It was an understatement to say that Camille was scared as she went to work that morning, making sure to drag Scarlett along  to ensure neither would be in danger for the day. Scarlett quickly found sanctuary on the sofa in the back corner of Cara Cara and laid across it with her arms folded behind her head as she let herself nod off to sleep while Camille worked her magic in front of the cameras.

As seen as she had struggled to get a good nights sleep the night previous due to her father and the news about Oslow's daughter being missing, Scarlett slept like a baby on the shitty sofa until it became dark out and her best friend had to practically carry her to the truck and then into her bed in the house.

A few days later, Scarlett decided she would set out on finding a job in her shitty hometown. She had already agreed with herself that it wouldn't be anywhere near Samcro, so the only other options were in the main centre of Charming. With phone in one hand and the other tucked in the back pocket of her jeans, she strode down the sidewalk, searching for a shop she would fancy working in.

That is until she notices a nearly naked grown man asleep on some shrubs just near her feet right outside the police station. With a slight grimaced pulled across her face, she kicks his leg harshly, already having recognised the man as Juice. Across his chest, a piece of cardboard is taped to his skin reading; slightly retarded child, please adopt me. While the only items of clothing he has on is a very large adult diaper and his large combat boots.

"Juice," She hisses, nudging him again and his eyes fly open, "What the fuck are you doing?"

He squints against the sun at the woman, his eyes eventually focussing on her face, "Scar—" He mumbles, the dummy taped to his mouth muffling his voice and he reaches up to rip it off, taking a few of his moustache hairs with the duck tape, "Scarlett?"

"The one and only," She rolls her eyes, before pointing up and down his body, "What—"

"What the hell happened to you?" Chief Hale steps beside the dark haired woman, cutting her own question off and asking his own, "You must've really pissed your friends off. Come on. Get outta here."

𝐃𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐒, jax teller Where stories live. Discover now