𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏, distraction

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 ❛ My name-calling is strictly factual

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My name-calling is strictly factual.

chapter sixteen.

     WHEN SCARLETT wakes up the next morning on Tara's sofa with a thin blanket over her naked body, Jax is nowhere in sight. The both of them had managed to squeeze on the small piece of furniture for the night, because neither of them wanted to sleep on a bed with a dead Kohn laid against it.

Yawning, Scarlett slowly swings her legs over the side of the sofa, her eyes searching the floor for her t-shirt, but instead she spots Jax's plain white shit. She grabs it and throws it over her head before standing up and leaving for the bathroom with the t-shirt just covering her ass.

She enters the bathroom, running her hands over her face, as they continue to shake from the events of last night. She can't seem to erase the memory of her firing that single bullet into Kohn's head, ending his life forever. He deserved it, she understands that, but that doesn't help the fact that she is now a murderer, even if her, Jax and Tara are the only ones who know.

She leans forwards against the sink, staring at herself in the mirror. Her mascara is smudged, but she can't figure out if that's from the crying or the sex. Her eyes roam over her face, noticing the expressionless state and how her eyes harbour no emotion behind them other than pure sorrow. Last night, Jax had helped her forget for a while, but now it's all she can think about.

She curls her fists around the side of the sink, digging her nails anxiously into the ceramic as she drops her chin to her chest and takes a deep breath, hoping Jax didn't do a hit and run on her.

On the outskirts of Charming, Jax pulls Camille's truck down a dirt round to a old quarry in the woods. He parks up and steps out, dressed in his hoodie and navy blue bomber jacket. He'd purposely left his shirt for Scarlett, knowing she would rather wear that then her own blood stained t-shirt. He walks around the vehicle, unclipped the back before stopping for a moment to stare at the wrapped up body lying in front of him. He clenches his jaw, remembering the image of rushing into Tara's house and seeing Scarlett stood still with blood covering her.

Taking a breath, Jax throws Kohn's body over his shoulder and begins to struggle down an embankment. He lowers to his knees, with a low grunt, dropping the body into a small ditch. Trying not to look for too long at the dead man, he runs a gloved hand over his face before standing up once more, pulling on the neck of his clothes as he breathes deeply.

Then his phone begins to vibrate in his pocket. He'd been ignoring it since last night, every single call and text from his mother wanting to know where he was. But as he glances down at the screen now, he sees Camille's contact flash up.

𝐃𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐒, jax teller Where stories live. Discover now